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Just as we discussed our group of twelve was split into two groups of six. Eric and Drake headed each, we all agreed that each team deserved an Eric/Drake sized advantage. Erics group, headed to Erudite, included Four, Tris, Adam, Leanne and me. Drakes group, staying in Dauntless, was Uriah, Z, Eli, Christina and Will. Our thirteenth member, Logan, was heading to our home faction of Candor. Once I brought up the issue of Jeanine we thought an alliance with Candor could prove advantageous, someone had suggested that Logan go back to the surveillance room and turn the cameras back on so he could watch out for us, but we decided it probably wasn't necessary.

Our group jumped the first train out to Erudite and more or less sat in silence the whole way. There was a moment when Tris and Four got close, touching their foreheads together and muttering to each other under their breath "gross" Eric had said. Leanne watched them with slight longing, I could tell she was thinking about Drake, if he was okay. I wanted to tell her everything was going to be fine but how could I make promises in that moment when we were on the precipice, I didn't even know if I believed it would be okay myself, every single one of us went into this knowing what we could lose, Leanne and Drake had made their choice, and so had I.

"Get ready" Eric announced.

I took my place by his side and looked out at our small world "Pierce is gonna be there, right?" Eric didn't reply, his jaw stiffened as I cast my gaze on him and suddenly my stomach dropped "right?"

"Let's go" he shouted before jumping.

"Fuck" we followed him off the train and had a short two minute walk to Erudite under the cover of darkness. There was almost nobody around, we passed a few factionless stragglers and an Erudite couple who had probably snuck out for a cheeky snog fest, but they didn't see us and we managed to approach the tower unseen "Eric" I mumbled as we looked around for Pierce, who was nowhere to be found.

"Eric, where's your contact" Four was gripping his weapon tightly, looking around the darkness anxiously.

Adam nudged my arm and whispered "what if it's a set up?"

"Why would it be a set up?"

He shrugged "they're both Erudite" I looked up at Eric and the pit in my stomach grew deeper, had he betrayed us? Had Erudite been warned? Was this his plan all along?

Even though I wanted to believe in Eric and trust in him, I still moved behind him and kept my grip on my weapon, if this was an ambush, I'd have to take him out first "relax we're just early" Eric said calmly, I bit my lip nervously and prayed, don't make me do this.

Then, like a beacon of unsettling hope, Pierce emerged from the darkness looking as unnerving as he had the last time I met him. The same unnatural looking smile appeared on his waxy face but didn't last "guns, you never said anything about guns, or..." he looked the rest of us up and down "others" it became immediately apparent that Eric had not elaborated on why we needed to get into Erudite "turn around, Eric. Before I sound the alarm"

"We can't do that, Pierce"

"You always were a stubborn fool, you'll never get past the first floor"

Eric shrugged and lowered his weapon to his side, was he just going to give up? "Yeah, we'll see about that" before we could question him he grabbed Pierce, pulled him closer and headbutted him as hard as he could, Pierce fell like a melting candle stick and lay in a heap on the grass. Eric quickly pilfered his ID card and gestured for us to keep moving, Adam and I shared a look, before following him up the path into the tower.

This was where we really needed Eric, none of us had the slightest idea where to start. Four had expressed his discomfort with this, that a large portion of the plan completely depended on trusting my ex boyfriend, but still we followed him "we won't have long before the building figures out we aren't Erudite, when that happens alarms are gonna start and security will come for us, Jeanine will be summoned and we'll have to fight our way through" Eric had told us back at the apartment, but so far we hadn't heard any alarms or seen anyone in so much as a blue turtleneck.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now