30~ To Watch A Loved One Die

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"Fuck, what am I doing? I cant be here, doing this with- with you" I ran my fingers through my hair as I stood up from the sofa, I felt more conflicted than ever.

Eric smirked, he was never very good at empathy and when filled with alcohol he really didn't understand how I was feeling "well who else would you be doing it with?"

I looked at him, feeling myself wanting to fall into our old routine and laugh, tell him he was the only one for me "Eric- this whole thing its a mistake, its a massive mistake that we shouldn't-" before I could finish he grabbed my waist and pulled me in, pressed his lips to mine and successfully silenced me.

Shit, how I had missed that warm feeling of just dissolving into him, but I had a vision of that little boy I shot in the sim, standing holding hands with the girl Eric shot and quickly pushed him off me again "Prue" he murmured.

I wiped my wet lips with the back of my hand slowly, considering something I knew could go one of two ways "how sober are you?"

He narrowed his eyes at me "uh-" I could tell just by the look on his face that the answer was not very.

"Right, me neither, we'll stop by Logans" I said as I grabbed his hand and started marching us to the door.

"As fun as a threesome sounds I think I'd rather stay here sucking lemons, or tits either way" I rolled my eyes at him, I certainly was not planning a threesome.


By some miracle we ended up successfully wobbling over to Logans apartment, which I had only seen in the dark under multicoloured flashing lights before, pulsating with people and music, now that I was seeing it with the lights on I was fairly horrified. There were smelly clothes and old food everywhere, bras of all different colours and sizes and not one but two women, one sprawled on each sofa "speaking of threesomes" Eric mumbled.

"So, you're a slob and a whore" I commented with slight distain, not for his sexual promiscuity but the fact that he'd invite any woman round to that smelly pigsty.

"Wouldn't wanna live any other way. Now what do you and thunder pants want?"

"You wouldn't happen to have any of that magic hangover cure from Thackeray would you?" I knew he did, he'd told me that once Thackeray handed over his secret recipe he was making it by the dozens so he could party for as long as humanly possible, he even thought at one point that he could have gone into business selling it and to be honest I genuinely thought he would have been quite successful, that is until Thackeray would have come back from the fence and demanded some of the profits, naturally.

He nodded once and opened his door wider for us to come in, pointed us to the fridge and went back to his sofa to sit with one of the sleeping women. When I opened the fridge I was surprised and disgusted to find that the hangover cure was the least off and gross looking thing in there, I quickly swiped it from its shelf and grabbed the two cleanest looking glasses. I remembered how vile this stuff was the first time, nevertheless I handed one of the glasses to Eric and filled it to the brim, repeating Thackeray's own words as I did "just try not to think about the smell... or the taste or the texture or literally just any of it"

Eric looked unconvinced and reluctant as he watched me pour my own glass "this stuff looks like Logan laid an egg, and this was what was in it"

How could I get intoxicated Eric to drink something he didn't want to? Easy "awh, big strong Dauntless leader too chicken?" I barely finished that sentence before he accepted his challenge and necked the whole thing, I did too at the same time and when we put the glasses down we looked at each other before the two of us vomited profusely into the sink.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now