12~ Tris

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Visiting day was only a day away, and it brought back lots of memories for me, happy and sad ones, I remembered feeling so lonely that it was like I had been dying, but then I remembered Eric, how he had taken me for my first tattoo as an attempt to cheer me up. I smiled to myself at the breakfast table as I looked over my arm, the four lines separating three blocks, this was my memory, and I'd have it with me always.

Eli slumped next to me with his tray, he was oddly chipper "it's your anniversary, right?"

I narrowed my eyebrows, no it wasn't, not really "huh?"

"Of your first tattoo"

I laughed at him, only he could say something like that "I don't think tattoo anniversaries are a thing"

"Well I thought you'd get all defensive if I said it was the first time Eric showed you he cared" he grinned like a goof at my blush "I mean, that's why you're staring at your arm like you want to marry it, right?"

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny" I looked at the twinkle in his eyes and narrowed my eyebrows "what's up with you, you're all... happy"


I pushed my tray away so that I could give him my undivided attention, I analysed his features carefully "you're lying" people hated when I did that, but it's not like I could turn it off.

"Okay, but you cannot tell Z. Promise?" His eyes sparkled with something I had never seen before.

"Oh my god, Eli, are you pregnant?"

The boy next to me laughed at my joke "no"

"Then stop acting like a little girl and tell me!" He pulled a ring out of his pocket and I somehow froze at the sight of it. My jaw fell into my lap and I looked at him like he had three heads "Eli..." I spluttered out.

"Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring, it's a promise ring, it means that without all the bells and whistles I'm telling her that I love only her, forever, and promise-"

My eyes were welling up with happy tears, I wrapped my arms tight around him and cried happily into his shoulder "oh my god she'll love it"

"You think?" He whispered nervously as we pulled apart, I nodded profusely and wiped my eyes "good"

"Why is Eli proposing to you?" Thackeray asked as he approached our table, Eli and I laughed at him as he sat down.

"I'll let him explain, I'm going to make sure all the initiates get to training on time" I jumped out of my seat and pecked Eli's cheek, I was so happy for him, committing to Z like that.

I hadn't walked to initiates accommodation in ages, I had started to feel a little nostalgic and suddenly I could hear Alyssa's voice "Prue, hey, Prue! Wait for us! How are you so fast?"

"I'm not fast, you're just slow"

"It's not a marathon"

"What's a marathon?"

"Never mind, silly"

I closed my eyes and when I looked back I almost expected to see her, but she wasn't there, and she'd never be there again.

When I reached accommodation and pushed the doors open I heard a wave of roaring laughter and something pink run past me into the bathroom. It took me a minute to process everything that had gone on, much to my horror. Peter, Molly and Drew were standing near Tris's bed, laughing like they had seen the funniest thing ever, Peter was holding a wet towel tight in his fist and I realised the flash of pink had been a naked initiate rushing past me.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now