31~Not Too Late

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Dedicated to @Rtroadie3

The simulation room started to feel smaller and smaller the longer we just sat there in silence, my mind racing yet neither of us had anything to say "I'm not sure what to sa-"

"Me neither"

"This was your plan" Eric jabbed semi playfully.

I nudged him with my arm, a weak smile on my face that disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared "I'm scared to ask you what you're thinking, if it's not the answer I'm looking for, after all you just saw, I don't know what I'll do" I looked at him now, he turned his head slowly to face me but I couldn't read him, now was not the time for him to hide his thoughts from me I thought.

"At first I thought you were just... weak willed and afraid of what was necessary" I felt a lump rise in my throat as he paused, considering his next words "but I heard you bargain with Jeanine, I realised that's what it must have been like to bargain with me. And then I watched myself shoot that kid and I- your face it-"

Something in me sensed he was struggling, he was so hard headed and stubborn, admitting he was maybe possibly a little bit wrong was like swallowing glass for him. I placed my hand on his, looked deep into his eyes again and this time could see something, I could see months and months of anti-Divergent programming fighting with the morality of a 5 minute experience pulled from my subconscious, he wasn't sure where to land, which was the right path, which bowl to cut his hand and drop his blood into.

"Have I been wrong all this time?"

He was like a baby bird with a broken wing in that moment, despite his large physique, when I looked at him I saw something small and injured, a little boy who had fallen over and scraped his knee "yes... but, it's not too late to be right"

Suddenly colour filled his cheeks again, his eyes went wide and dark "it is"


"The choosing ceremony- the injections it's all in two days"


"Whoever you're helping you have to stop"

I was slightly lost for words for a second, after all that did he not change his mind? "Why are you saying this?"

"It's too late. It's not worth it!" He was stood up now, running his hands over his hair.

"I don't understand, they know how to hide in the sims-"

"Prue will you listen to me! None of it matters, okay, Erudite's plan conveniently exposes Divergence" This was the worst thing he could have told me, everything Four and I had done, everything we prepared our students for, was for nothing "they're gonna use something that won't work on a Divergent, just like the fear sims. They can't hide. So whoever you're helping is going to die and I don't want you dying with them"

I shook my head as I slowly stood up and faced away from him, this was a lot to process, but a daunting thought had just fallen upon me "everything I did was for nothing" I muttered under my breath "everything we did to stop this was- was nothing. We didn't do anything" I turned to Eric with so much raw emotion on my face I doubt he knew which one I was feeling the strongest "it's all gonna happen anyway, all the wire cutting, the microchips, the training, it wasn't anything"

"That was you? They were not happy" Eric tried a weak laugh but I didn't laugh with him.

"Not it was- it doesn't matter. We have to stop them"

"There's no way it's too late" he came to me urgently and held my chin, as if he needed to me to really see how serious this was "if they catch you they will end you, and anything you think you could do in- what is essentially the eleventh hour- is impossible, their security will be tenfold by now"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now