33~ Morning After

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I woke up the next morning wondering if life could get any better, I had ranked third, Alyssa was going to be alright, my friends were happy with their partners, and I was deliriously happy with mine.

Eric pressed himself against my back and wrapped one of his arms around me, while his other arm was already under my neck- I had been fiddling with his fingers for a few minutes before he woke up "good" I heard him say in a grumbly voice "it wasn't a dream" I started laughing, slotting my fingers between his and holding his hand.

"I think we almost broke the headboard" I giggled as I bit down on my lip.

"Almost? Damn, we'll have to try again" I felt his lips graze against my neck, if I were a cat I would have purred.

I started laughing as he started to tickle me "stop it! How did you know I was ticklish?"

"I've seen that red head friend of yours tickle you" for whatever reason he didn't sound very pleased.

"Don't tell me you're jealous of Adam" I couldn't help but chuckle as I sat up and laid back down facing Eric "you know that Adam is gay, right? He likes men. You're more his type than I am"

"So? I still don't like him touching you all the time"

"Eric, Adam has seen me naked! He helped me shave my armpits when my shoulder was hurt!" I laughed.

Eric's eyes moved down to the scar on my shoulder, he stroked it with his thumb and leant down to press a kiss to it "does it still hurt?"

I shrugged "not really, only if I use it for too long" I looked down at the scar too "I hate it though, it's like a constant reminder that I can be hurt" Eric frowned and turned over so that he could rummage through his bedside table's draw, when he turned back around he had a kind of marker pen in his hand "what on Earth are you doing?" He took off the lid and started drawing where the scar was, he drew a circle on top with a smily face inside, two sticks coming from the bottom and two more sticking from each side of the scar. Now it was a happy stickman "oh thats so much better, thank you"

"I'm glad you appreciate my superior art skills" we both laughed for a moment before I traced my finger along one of the scars on his chest.

"You've got a few scars yourself"

"I got that during initiation, some bonehead threw their knife so badly they got me" I traced another scar on his side "that's from Drake" I moved to another one "Drake" and another "Leanne" and the last one I could see was on his shoulder "Drake"

"Men" I rolled my eyes.

"And women!" He referred back to the scar Leanne had given him "alright, what about this one?"

He slid his hand between my hip and the mattress, gently running his finger across a scar he must have noticed last night, I was surprised he noticed it actually, it was hardly noticeable because I had had it so long "that one... that one I got in the accident. I fell on some shattered glass" I lifted my fingers up to my head, the tail of a scar was poking out from under my hairline, I doubt Eric noticed that one"and this one" I got it from when my mother pushed me out of the way of the falling bookcase, I'd landed funny and managed to hit my head.

"The accident that killed your parents" I nodded "that's why you're afraid of fire?" At least now he knew why I freaked out the way I did the first time it showed up in my fear sim, I was okay with small flames, but whenever I would see the Factionless gathered around a fire in a bin, I'd freeze "why was I there? When your parents were dying" he was referring to my fear landscape.

"I'm scared of losing the people I love the way I lost them" he started to stroke my shoulder "I wanted to give up, when I saw you laying there, you were dead and my mum was dead, I just wanted to die too"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now