9~ Freaks

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Song: Freaks by the hawks of Paris

The next day was difficult, Eric still wasn't over my deception but it was better, he was speaking to me less like scum and more like his equal- though he did throw the fact that I used to be a Candor in my face once or twice over breakfast. After we exercised the initiates I sent them away for an early lunch so that Eric and I could talk, Four had sensed the animosity and was reluctant to leave us alone in case we broke the room, but I asked him to go and check on Logan and with a frown he left.

"You've put Tris fighting Peter?"

"I did. She's weak, he'll push her"

I scoffed "he'll kill her"

Eric turned to look at me quickly "have you got a problem?"

I'd hoped we were over this "no, I just think that Peter kid is a dick, that's all" Eric didn't say anything, he just got on with cleaning the knives, though there was no point, they weren't using them that day "come on, baby" I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my body against his back "talk to me"

"I'm still pissed" he grunted, though he hadn't pushed me away, he liked feeling my body flush against his and I knew that.

"I can tell" I rested my head against his back and listened to him breathe for a minute "what can I do? How can I make this better?"

Eric turned in my grip and looked down at me "promise me you'll never talk to that worm again"

I sighed, thinking of Alyssa, she had wanted to help Thackeray, and the only reason I was helping him was to honour her, but Eric wouldn't have understood that "I can't do that, he needs my help to stay sober"

"No he doesn't, get Z to do it"

"Z's too busy, you know that"

"Well then throw a bottle of whiskey at him and run"

"Eric" I laughed "helping him is important to me, it was important to Alyssa, I'm doing it for her, to honour her memory" although I knew Eric wouldn't care or understand, but I had to try.

He rolled his eyes "can't you honour it another way?"

"No, she'd never have forgiven me if I gave up on him" I took hold of his collar and started straightening it out "besides, I'd never leave you for him, he can't do that thing I like so much" I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"What thing?"

"You know..." I got on my tip toes so that I could reach his ear and whispered that one thing Eric always did that would drive me wild. When I looked back at him his mouth had twisted into a dirty grin "no one could ever screw me the way you do" Eric growled under his breath and put his hands on my bum, leaning down to press his lips to mine and kissed me hungrily.

"I'm still really, really pissed" he groaned into my mouth as he moved down to my neck "so pissed"

My head lolled back as he sucked on the sensitive skin "uh huh"

Then we heard chattering coming towards us and we pulled apart like two opposing magnets. Ever since Max had given us that warning to keep all romantic gestures out of the view of the initiates, our relationship had almost started to feel like a secret again, but I think when Tris and her friends walked in they saw just before we could pull away, hopefully they were too distracted by the board to pay any mind to what they had seen.

Tris had seen who she was fighting against, and she had stopped cold in her tracks.


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