2~ New Rules

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"This year we'll be implementing new rules" my heart began to pang in my chest, we started to look amongst ourselves, some of the initiates started to whisper and I began to feel excluded again. There were three other Candors among us, but they had already teamed up and seemed to have no interest in making another friend, there were also three Erudite, one Amity, and no Abnegation. I didn't remember any of them from the Choosing Ceremony, but then again I had spaced out for most of it, I only came back to Earth when my friend nudged my ribs and told me I was being called upon.

"New rules?" One of the Erudite asked, probably eager to know as much as possible.

Eric had rejoined us in our accommodation, where we were all gathered and being told the rules. He nodded "as always you'll be trained separately from the Dauntless-born, but you'll be ranked together" he explained as though he was bored, however he seemed to perk up as he was getting ready to say the next bit "but, new to this year, anyone ranking below the line in the first stage of training will be leaving us"

The others began to whisper again, but I needed to know what that meant "leaving?"

I regretted speaking the instant Eric looked at me, it was as though he saw me with a massive dunce cone on my head "that's what I said, initiate" with only those words I felt microscopically small.

"Where would we go?" The Amity asked.

"Well, your parents wouldn't want you traitors back, so you'd live Factionless" the last word hit me like a truck, since the fall from the roof I had been wanting to run away, but then I saw the Pit and that all changed, I didn't want to be Factionless, the thought alone terrified me.

"I don't understand, why?"

"That must be a first for you, Erudite" the girl in blue who had spoken flushed red and shuffled her feet. Eric's voice became louder, he began to speak more like a drill sergeant "we want only the best in Dauntless, this city doesn't need scrawny disappointments to protect it. It needs soldiers. Warriors" his cold eyes surveyed us with a debilitating stare "if you're scared of failure then get out, you already don't belong here"

I swallowed hard, afraid that he could smell my fear, but I decided to turn that fear into motivation, I remembered seeing the Dauntless members in the Pit, and how much I wanted to be apart of that family.


After the rules had been explained to us we were told to change and then were guided into the cafeteria by Four, it was like the Pit only everyone was seated, it was just as loud and lively but felt at least 50% more tame. I noticed at one table they were having a small food fight, and at another table a girl and a boy were having a burping contest. I laughed as I looked around, it felt almost natural to be among them, without my white and black Candor clothes, I almost felt like I could be one of them.

Near the back of the cafeteria was a singular table where important looking people were sitting, including Eric, so I could only assume that it was the leaders table. Four had sat with the transfer initiates but wasn't speaking to them. I thought to myself that I should at least attempt to make friends with my fellow transfers, even though they seemed severely uninterested.

I timidly sat in the empty seat next to Four and began choosing my food from the middle of the table, the other initiates were already having a conversation "so you guys transferred together?" A fellow Candor girl asked.

Sat opposite me and the Candor girl who had asked, was an Erudite boy and girl who looked lovingly into each other's eyes "I know" the girl spoke "it's rare that couples transfer together, but we've been together since we were children, and we both got Dauntless in our aptitude tests" she grinned a sickening smile to her other half "it was fate"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now