18~ Be There For Me

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"So you're not going to tell us who did that?" Z referred to my neck as she sat down on the end of my bed, tucking one leg beneath her and leaving the other hanging over the edge. The reason she knew was because she saw the marks before, otherwise she wouldn't have because they'd faded since then. She handed me the tea she had made and I took it just to be polite, I was starting to wonder why everyone was making me tea.

"I think we all know the answer to that" Adam mumbled, leaning against my chest of drawers with his arms crossed.

I glared at him, warning him not to continue "we don't know that" Z said to him as though I wasn't in the room all of a sudden.

"Yeah, someone else could have done it, then Eric could have gotten angry, tried to kill that person and thats why they broke up" Eli theorised, which sounded less insane than what had really happened.

Adam scoffed, I gave him another warning glare but he ignored me "right, yeah that definitely happened. We all know which monstrous bastard-"

"Don't call him that" I said, trying not to get angry when my friends had come to try and make me feel better, I didn't want to fall out with anyone else.

"You're actually defending him? After he hurt you like that? It's abuse!"

My jaw clenched as I looked at him threateningly "no it's not! Not in Dauntless! This is what they- we do! We fight to solve our problems! God the last time Lee and Drake fought he fractured her jaw!"

"That's different"

"How is it different?"

Adam shrugged "it just is, they're still together"

"And Eric and I would still be together if it weren't for-" I stopped myself before I said anymore, I hadn't told them why Eric and I had fought, it was too dangerous.

I wished to myself that none of them would ask, but in that world wishing never got anybody anywhere "weren't for what? Why'd you guys break up?" Eli asked "you guys were so happy before initiation"

I shook my head and looked down into my tea, I wanted to cry again, but I had had enough of crying, I sniffed back my tears and looked up at them again "I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk about him, it hurts way too much"

"Oh my god" Adam said as he looked my expression over "you still love him?"

My head tilted up to the ceiling as an attempt to keep the tears in, but I couldn't stop them "I always will" I cried out and looked at him "I don't want to, but I do" Adam guiltily frowned, he hadn't wanted to make me cry. I used my free hand to wipe my tears and put on a pretend smile "can we please talk about something else?"

Z nodded and looked around the room thoughtfully "oh, the initiates start stage two today"

"I know, too bad I won't be there" I looked at Eli "but you will, right?" How fun for him.

"Yep, I think I was better equipped at teaching them the physical stuff but I should be all right, in fact I was thinking abo-" he words trailed off in my head, I stopped listening and stared down at my tea and watched the steam swirling from it. For some reason I thought about the envelope, someone had slipped it under my door, but who? And why?

Surely I already knew who, he had given it to me the first time, and I was sure then that he had wanted me to look even though he told me not to, so was it such a stretch that he'd try again? I put my tea down on the bedside table and threw the bed covers off me "I have to go" I said.

"What? Where?" Z asked as she watched me move towards Adam, I pushed him aside and opened the second drawer down.

"I need to speak to Drake" I pulled out some trousers and started to slip them on.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now