17~ New Heights

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With his hand on my back Eric lead me back to accommodation, he sat me down on my bed and brought me a cup of water, he watched me while I drank and when I was done he got up and dug out a towel from my things, he suggested I shower to take my mind off of the fire, but before he could leave I grabbed his hand and looked at him pleadingly "don't leave me" I had asked.

He looked at me, as though he was tempted "your friends will be here soon" he shook my hand off of his and walked away, leaving me alone.

The room had never felt so big and empty, I didn't want to be alone, I wanted to cry.

And I wanted Eric to hold me.

Last time I cried it was good that he took my mind off of it, he took me for the tattoo and suddenly I wasn't sad anymore. But I had been burned alive, I could feel my skin melting around me like wax, and all I needed was for him to hold me this time, to just sit with me, he didn't have to speak, he didn't have to make a sound, I just needed him.

Instead of wallowing in self pity I took the towel and my other shower things, including a second towel for my hair. My arm was out of the sling but it was still sore and it stung like a bitch when the water hit it, I didn't wince though, I didn't cry, because it wasn't as bad as the pain I had just been through.

When I came out I was trying to pat my hair dry with one arm, and then I saw Z curled up on her bed "hey" I said weakly "where've you been?"

"Wandering" I perched at the end of her bed, suddenly she had jumped next to me and taken my towel, she started to pat down my hair for me while I faced the other way.

I didn't want to ask, I wouldn't want anyone to ask me, but I thought maybe it could help to swap war stories "what- what was yours?"

Just like whenever I said something emotional to Eric, Z went silent. She stopped patting my hair for a second and didn't move "I was holding this baby" she croaked eventually, and slowly started to pat my hair dry again "and... and I killed it" I turned and looked at her, she was crying again "I think it was mine" she fell into me and sobbed into my good shoulder, soaking the fabric of my shirt, I held her tight, not only to comfort her, but to comfort me too.

"I'm so sorry. That's horrible"

She pulled away and wiped her nose on the back of her hand before turning me back around so that she could continue helping me to dry my hair "what was yours?"

I felt silly now, mine had been excruciating, but I don't think I could have compared it to killing my own baby "I was being burned alive" I paused and swallowed the bile that had risen in my throat "I could feel my skin melting and, the worst part was that I could sm-I could smell it"

"God, I hope that's not one of mine..."

"I hope I don't have yours either" we both laughed and I'm sure neither of us really knew what was funny, but it helped to laugh.

"How long were you in there?"

Was I supposed to have been told? "I don't know, I think I was too busy freaking out for anyone to tell me" Z seemed to agree, Four must have told her right at the last second.

A little while later Tarrant appeared, he hid himself in the corner and just sat there, staring at his hands, Z and I tried to talk to him, but he insisted that he wanted to be left alone. Then Adam and Alyssa walked in together "fuck that was awful" Adam sighed.

"How come you came out together?"

"Oh, um, I had mine" Adam said, trying to clear his thoughts of whatever he had just been through "and then I came out, and she went in, and I was walking here and she caught up with me"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now