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Hello, you've probably been wondering where I am, where the updates are, is the story discontinued forever or just on hold. Now, before I answer that, I'd like to disclose that if there's one thing on Wattpad that I truly despise its excuse authors notes, they're just cringe and awful and they're so painful to read.

Despite that.

I'm about to write one.

Please read this. I know it's long and arduous but it's very important as I will be answering most of your unasked questions.

So, again, hello. It's Lokimakerofmischief here, your humble servant. Where have I been? Well, I started University last year doing an illustration course, now anyone in university knows how stressful it is, I'm living away from home for the first time in my life, I'm learning how to do that adulting thing old people are always on about, and I'm juggling some really stupid art assignments. But more than that life has just gotten in the way. I recently got into my first proper relationship with the most amazing man, he's very handsome and very funny and he takes up like 75% of my time, 😂. My life has just gotten very busy and very stressful, hectic, scary and new. So that's where I've been. I know what you're thinking, but Lokimakerofmischief why didn't you write during the holidays? Well because after writing so many essays and drawing until my arm fell off and dating a man who needs attention and juggling friends and family, all I wanted to do was rest. But that's no excuse, I could have spared a moment to write some chapters. Which brings us to, are there going to be any updates?

Are there going to be any updates and is the story discontinued forever or just on hold? Are kind of the same question, they link in a sense. Well first off, yes, there will be updates. No, the story is not discontinued. Yes and no, the story is sort of but not really on hold. Let me explain. I have drafts written, see;

 I have drafts written, see;

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But after writing chapters 31 and 32 I became doubtful of how I was going to end my story, I know, why I haven't I released 29 and 30, well chapter 29 is where events unfold that lead to 31-32, so if I were to rewrite those last chapters I'd have ...

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But after writing chapters 31 and 32 I became doubtful of how I was going to end my story, I know, why I haven't I released 29 and 30, well chapter 29 is where events unfold that lead to 31-32, so if I were to rewrite those last chapters I'd have rewrite all four of those last 4 chapters. Now draft and draft letter are my final chapters, both of them are different endings and I'm not happy with either, so that's now 6 chapters to rewrite. I need to re-read the last chapters of Divergent and decide whether I want to follow that storyline or create my own, I have to decide if I want to continue the series or if it ends here. There are lots of big decisions to make and I didn't want to rush it. But I know, I'm taking the piss now.

But good news, I'm now on a four month break from uni, my boyfriends in London while I'm down south on the coast, so we'll be apart for a while and I have nothing to do but sit at home and knit, I'll have plenty of time for writing. First I need to sort out what gifs I've used and what gifs I haven't used yet, reread this story and the ending of Divergent and then I can get back to rewriting this story.

I love you guys and I'm so so so sorry for making you all wait, I'm very grateful for the veterans of this story and for the new comers, please don't leave just yet because Prue still has some story to tell.

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