Thanks For Reading Book 1 + Book 2 Description (important!)

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Thank you, thank you so so so much guys for reading all the way to the end of book one, I have the storyline for book two and as of publishing this chapter I've written 20 chapters for book 2, so everything's being written in stone, which also means you have nothing to worry about when it comes to updates.

To everyone who commented on the last book I cannot thank you enough, I adore your feedback, and I actually enjoy reading them and replying to as many as I can! Please stick around for book 2 (it will be published as a part of this book) which should be arriving to you as soon as possible, so don't remove this from your library so you can stay updated! Keep the comments coming and please enjoy! ~ Always Lokimakerofmischief

Book 2 description:

In the first book you got to see Prue as she was figuring out how to be Dauntless and working out her feelings for Eric. Now you'll see Prue in a new year with new initiates on the way, she's a fully fledged Dauntless and her relationship with Eric is prospering. However her friends death still looms over her like a dark cloud, and as new Divergents arrive she fears she can't ignore it any longer, will her new calling put a strain on her relationship with Eric? Or will she find a way to juggle them both?

Find out in Seven Sins: book 2!

Find out in Seven Sins: book 2!

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Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now