29~ Soldier

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Drake took me to Eric's apartment after I explained that initiates accommodation was out of bounds per Eli and Z's request, it took a lot of convincing to get him to take me to Eric's, he thought we were pushing our luck and weren't being very discreet, but he remembered that he would have done the same if it were Leanne. After a little while of walking we were stood outside of Eric's place and waiting for him to answer "thank you, for helping"

"In my opinion men who force themselves on women should be lined up and shot" I looked up at him with a slightly alarmed expression, but he looked down at me with a smirk and I almost laughed, clown.

The door opened and an irritated Eric was standing there "surprise delivery" Drake sang.

Eric looked between Drake and I a little confused "has something happened?"

"I found her in the middle of a group of drunkards, they were..." he didn't want to finish but Eric seemed to get the message.

His muscles tensed and a murderous glint flashed in his eyes "what?!"

"It's alright, man. I handled it"

"Are they dead?"

Drake was looking worriedly at his friend, who's fists had clenched, his eyes wild "no"

"Then you didn't handle shit!"

"Eric!" I gasped, although they were both leaders I still thought of Drake as his superior, like Max was, because Eric was the youngest.

"No! If some bastards tried raping Leanne would you have just hit em and walked away?!"

"Eric!" Drake had shouted this time, he had noticed that my hand was covering my mouth and I was on the brink of tears.

Eric's eyes followed Drake's and his expression slowly softened, he sighed and pulled me into the apartment and into a tight hug, stroking my hair "I'm sorry, baby. I should have been there" I cried into his shoulder and the two men exchanged thanks and your welcomes before Drake left and Eric shut the door.

"I tried to fight back, but they- they had me pinned and I couldn't- I couldn't-"

"Hey, stop that. Alright? This is their fault, not yours" he managed to go a second before descending back into a murderous daydream "and when I get my hands on them I'll-" I sniffed and he looked down at me, before sighing and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm okay, they didn't do anything and... I really just want to forget it now" he nodded "plus I got to beat a few of them senseless, so..."

Eric laughed and kissed my head again "that's my girl"

I pulled slightly away from him so that I could see him properly "is that what I am? Your girl" I could feel the grey cloud that had been looming over me since Drake saved me slowly float away, I was finding it easy to deal with everything that had just happened and I was wondering if the fear landscape training had anything to do with that.

The grin that formed on Eric's lips made me ache for him, he leant down to kiss me and when he pulled away he said in a low voice "you're my girl" he lifted his head with his eyebrows narrowed "as a matter of fact you're my woman" I laughed, I had to appreciate not being called a girl.

His hands slid down my back until he had a good grip and could lift me up, my legs automatically wrapped around his hips and my body was pushed flush against his "I think that makes you my man, then" I bit my lip and put my hands on either side of his head, kissing him tenderly.

With his eyes connected to mine the whole time he walked us over to the sofa and slowly bent down to lay me on my back, my legs still wrapped around him. He lowered to kiss me again as his hands started exploring my upper body. I wanted him more than anything, but I had never had sex before and I didn't want to disappoint him, but damn he tasted good, and whenever his lips pressed against my neck and sucked on the sensitive skin there I couldn't stop from moaning.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now