13~ General Anaesthetic

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As soon as I entered accommodation Adam came running towards me "where have you been? You missed it!"

"Missed what?"

"You know how they're announcing our first rankings soon?" I nodded "Darlene was getting all hysterical, screaming about how she wasn't going to make it"


Adam nodded excitedly, he loved drama "yeah! You should have seen her, she was crazy! Throwing things, screaming, pulling at her hair! And poor Thackeray didn't know what to do, he was trying to calm her down but she just started crying, Four came in and they took her away for a chat, they've been gone almost an hour now"

I didn't wish that I had been there to see it, no matter how much Adam told me I should have been, because where I was had been so much better, I think I'd seen a side of Eric that no one else really had, and I don't think he showed it to me intentionally, which made it so much better "she's probably right to be worried though, I don't think she'll make it"

"Neither do I, but damn, if I don't make it then I want to leave with my dignity" I agreed with this, I know I would have cried if it was revealed that I had ranked below the line, but I wouldn't completely break down and start throwing things at people "either way it was brilliant, you should have been here, where were you?"

For some reason I didn't want to tell him that I had been with Eric, it felt like a secret, I didn't want him to know that I had seen a softer side to the cruel instructor, I didn't think he'd want me to say anything "I got a tattoo" I showed Adam my arm and he smiled like a small boy.

"Ah awesome! Why didn't you come get me? I'd have gone with you"

"You were busy"

He knew I meant his family and suddenly looked very sorry for me "oh right, I'm sorry"

"For what?"

"Your aunt..."

I hit the air with my hand and scoffed "I'm over that. Faction before blood right? You guys are my family now"

Adam didn't look convinced, he rubbed my back and smiled but it felt like we were strangers for a moment "yeah, of course we are... yeah"


The next day we had our last training session, that didn't mean we couldn't still come down to train here, or seek the help of our instructors for exercise tips during stage 2, but it would probably be the last time that we were all together, and for some of us we might not have been there the next day.

We had knife throwing again and Four commented on how much I had improved, which made a swell of pride flow through me, but I felt more grateful towards Eric, it was his guidance that got me to that good point. Adam and I were having a little competition, seeing whoever could hit the centre of the target the most times, so far he was winning, but I didn't get the chance to redeem myself before we heard a commotion at the other end of the line "what's the point?! You and I both know I'm not going to make it!" We looked around and saw Darlene arguing with Thackeray, who was trying his hardest to calm her.

"Calm down, Lee. Everything will be fine"

"No it won't! You'll be here and I'll be Factionless alone!"

Four headed towards her, acting calm "Darlene, calm down"

"No!" Her voice carried throughout the room, she had shouted so loud, Eric was twitching and I could tell he wanted to hit her back into sense "I won't calm down! My life is ruined!" The knife in her hand was being waved dangerously, Fours eyes followed it but he didn't move to take it away in case she tried to use it.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now