26~ Four

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"Four!" I wiped my eyes and jumped off of the floor, Four was a little confused by my sudden mood swing "you have to help me!"

"What? Did Eric do something?" He started looking over my skin for fresh bruises.

I shook my head and stepped closer to him "no, Alyssa she's..." then it occurred to me that maybe I couldn't trust Four, that he might have been a wolf in sheeps clothing "no, sorry, it's nothing"

As I went to walk away he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back "explain what just happened"

"What do you mean?"

"Well one minute I find you in tears, your fist is bleeding, then you're acting as if there's a life and death situation and then you're acting like there's nothing wrong"

"Wow, you observe all that?"

Four frowned "Prue"

I sighed, I was sure I could trust Four, but it wasn't my secret to tell, what if Alyssa knew and didn't want anyone else to know? Though it was bit late, all five leaders probably knew by now "I don't know if I can trust you"

He stared into my eyes for a moment, he must have seen the pain that I was trying to hide "if it's about Alyssa, then I might already know" a wave of relief washed over me, thank goodness "does it have anything to do with the time it takes her to complete a sim?" I nodded slowly, hoping he was going to tell me that he had already made a plan to save her "there's nothing to worry about, I've been in contact with some people who help... people like Alyssa out of dangerous situations. So long as no one else knows we should have enough t-"

"No, Four, you don't understand. The leaders know. That's why Eric was there today, he needed to confirm what she was. He's told Max now and I'm sure Max has told the others"

Four crossed his arms and looked down both ends of the corridor to ensure we were alone "how do you know this?"

I stayed very quiet for a moment, after everything that had just happened the very thought of Eric made me sick, I didn't want to admit how I had come to overhear the conversation "I was in Eric's apartment. I heard them talking about it" I felt dirty, contaminated just by standing in the same room as Eric.

"Tell me everything they said, and Prue, I mean everything"

It took me a moment to recount all that was said, my head was still spinning but it was easy since it was so fresh in my mind "and then I left"

Four was silent as he thought over every detail of what I had told him "I can't believe I'm saying this, but don't you think it sounds like Eric didn't have a choice?" Why had this suddenly turned into relationship advice?

I blinked at him for a moment "what?" Four raised his eyebrows, telling me I had not just misheard him "are you ill? You hate the guy and now you're trying to stand up for him?"

"I think you could be good for him, and I don't think you should throw whatever weird thing you have away"

"WHAT?! Is everyone around here fucking mental? He thinks it's okay to kill Alyssa, just because she's different!" But was he right? Had I overreacted?

"Prue, listen, there's a lot of pressure in being a leader, the guy that Eric replaced only disagreed with Max once, and then he was gone. If he has been brainwashed maybe you can fix him"

"I think you've gone insane, Four, really"

The only logical reason that I could come up with for this was that Four had been possessed "look humans have been killing what's different for centuries, they're afraid, but sometimes all it takes is one person to see that they're wrong, and that's when change happens"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now