11~ In The Light

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After war games I found myself drifting towards Eric, it was him that I wanted to learn from, not Four. I got the sense that Eric would help me become a better Dauntless, he'd train me hard and without remorse, but Four was too gentle, he handled the initiates with cotton gloves. Four was great, but I knew Eric would be the one to get me through initiation.

I'd find myself watching him sometimes, when he was observing the other initiates. I observed his posture, the way he held himself in such a way that exuded authority, I was terrified of him, but fascinated by him all the same.

Four seemed to notice quite quickly that I asked Eric for help more than I asked him, it was probably noticeable because I was the only one who wanted help from the big and scary instructor

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Four seemed to notice quite quickly that I asked Eric for help more than I asked him, it was probably noticeable because I was the only one who wanted help from the big and scary instructor. Sometimes Four would come over to help me instead of Eric, and I think he could always sense my disappointment. I'd catch him looking at me sometimes, with the same pitying eyes that he had when he pulled me out of the net on our first day, did he think I was romantically interested in Eric? Was he worried about me?

I didn't have a chance to ask though, Visiting Day crept up on us like a ghoul, everyone else was buzzing with excitement, they were making themselves presentable while I was sitting twiddling with my thumbs. I knew my aunt wouldn't come, I had disappointed her, the memory of her sister and brother in law, I had betrayed her faction. She wouldn't come, and I had done my best to live with that.

Alyssa however was very persuasive, she convinced me to put my best clothes on and join everyone else in the Pit, she was sure that my aunt would come, she didn't believe anyone could be that cruel. Eric found us before we were going into the pit, with a warning glare in his eyes he reminded us "faction. Before. Blood" I had no trouble living by this ideal, I had only one blood relative left in the world, and she wanted nothing to do with me now.

While the others ran into their families arms, I stood like a fool and let myself hope that a small brunette wearing black and white would walk through the entrance, I stood for a few minutes, staring at the hole in the wall as though if I wished enough she would appear. It hit me then how much I actually cared, that I needed to see her one last time, explain why I betrayed my parents' memory, why I didn't belong in her faction anymore.

People had started to watch me, Alyssa seemed like she could cry for my sake and Adam had come up to rub my arm. The longer I foolishly stood there the more I was fighting back tears, I looked around with blurred vision and saw Eric staring at me, he was emotionless and pitying all at the same time.

The entrance seemed to get closer and the walls were starting to constrict, I held my breath and waited a moment more, but when I knew she really wasn't coming I released the breath with a sob and left the Pit, my head bowed. I felt embarrassed that I had let it get to me, before Alyssa persuaded me to come I had made peace with what I knew would happen, but no, I was given hope, and it was destroying me.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now