11~ Target Practice

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Predictable as ever, Eric was in a mood as soon as he saw Four the next day, a dark cloud had hung over him and I could foresee the initiates paying for it. And they did. It was Al who had to face my boyfriends wrath. He had continuously failed to hit his target, everyone else had hit it at least once, but he had not even grazed it. Eric was irritable, pacing like a madman, and when he stopped to watch Al my heart sank "that was pathetic" I choked back a laugh, it was the way he had said it.

"It slipped" Al choked, his eyes searching the floor.

"Well go get it!" Eric ordered.

Al's eyes grew wide "while they're throwing?" He looked out into the minefield of airborne knives "no" he paused and swallowed "I don't want to get hit"

Eric stared at him for a second. He had no tolerance for cowardice, those who disappointed him were treated as lesser beings until they could prove themselves "are you afraid?" It was his use of few words that made him so menacing, if he had shouted, if he had cited whole paragraphs then I wouldn't have been as worried as I was. But I watched on silently, observing the two men.

"Of getting stabbed by an airborne knife? Yeah" damn.

"Everyone stop!" The knives stopped flying, and Eric gave Al no chance to feel relieved. His tone dropped into a calm disposition, but he certainly was not "stand in front of the target"

Al made no argument now, he did as he was told and moved to where his knives had failed to hit, Eric's eyes flicked up to mine and I nodded slightly, turning to Four "Four, would you give Eric a hand?" Four looked between Eric and I, he questioned the necessity of this punishment and that was a mistake.

"I have the authority here, remember?" Eric's eyes bore dangerously into Fours as he spoke quietly "here, and everywhere else" I wondered if Four regretted turning down leadership in times like these.

Four reluctantly stepped into Eric's place as Eric moved closer to Al "you're going to stand there while he throws those knives, and if I see you flinch, you're out" there was no dissuading him at this point, this was going to happen one way or another "one thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional" he was addressing the group now. He gestured for Four to begin and moved away from Al, the way he moved almost made it seem like he was bored already, I knew this to be a facade.

The tanned instructor was seconds away from throwing the first of four knives at Al, but a voice spoke up first "stop" all eyes moved to Tris "anyone can stand in front of a target, it doesn't prove anything"

Suddenly Eric's eyes brightened up, he looked like a wild animal who's dinner had been delivered to his feet "then it should be easy for you to take his place" I saw that one coming.

Tris didn't hesitate, she couldn't back down, my other half would win if she did. Al gratefully moved away and joined the others, Tris stepped into his place, Eric watched her the whole time and moved himself to stand next to Four, he wanted a better view "same rules apply, Tris" I said "flinch, and you're out. You understand?"

"Just do it" she said with a lazy shake of her head.

Four threw the first knife, it wasn't close enough to scare her and Eric saw an opportunity to antagonise his enemy "oh, come on, Four" he said smoothly. Four's tongue ran over his teeth as he held in a remark, he fiddled with the second knife before throwing it, again not very close "you can get closer than that" Eric jabbed.

"You want me to give her a little trim?"

"Yeah maybe just a little off the top" I adored the way Eric's top lip flicked when he said 'top', I smiled at their exchange of words, if they weren't so busy being caught in a pissing contest I bet they could have been friends.

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