37~ Broken Glass

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Eric woke up the next morning and came into the living room in his boxers "what are you doing?" I had woken up only a few minutes earlier, he must have heard the sound of glass against glass as I brushed it into a pan. I didn't know what else to do with myself, I kept thinking about the broken glass and thought somehow that if I could fix and clean that then I could fix and clean anything, maybe I could make it okay that Alyssa was gone.

"I couldn't leave this here" I didn't make eye contact with him as I swept up the glass "it had to be cleaned up sooner or later"

Eric scratched the back of his head and sighed "leave it, I'll do it"

I shook my head "no it's fine, I can do it. And I'll replace your table, it might not be as nice as the old one but-"

"I told you yesterday, I don't care about the damn table" he came over to me and tried to stop me from cleaning but I shook him off.

"Well you will care when you haven't got anything to put your coffee on"


"I mean look at this mess, I can't just leave it here, and I smashed your lovely table and I'm sorry and I'll replace it and-"

He grabbed by wrists and pulled them away from the glass "I don't care about the fucking table! Alright?" My bottom lip started to quiver and he pulled me into his chest, his chin resting on the top of my head as he stroked my hair "you need to stop. I'll clean up later"

"But-" I whispered before he cut me off.

"No, sit your arse down" I slowly nodded and pulled myself up onto the sofa, being careful to avoid the glass on the floor, Eric went back into the bedroom and put on some trousers and a shirt before he came back out and sat on the opposite sofa "the leaders will come here later and they'll want to ask you questions"

I realised quickly what that meant "so, you don't know how she died?"

He looked angry with himself for not having a better answer, he wanted to make everything okay on his own for me "no. She could have been pushed, she could have slipped and fell, she could have been messing with a friend" he sighed, he was an Erudite once and I could see that the not knowing was killing him "that's why they'll want to talk to you, they'll want to map out Alyssa's last movements and see if they can figure out who saw her last"

It hit me then "but what about the cameras? Dauntless is riddled with them and you're telling me there's not one on the chasm?"

His lips pressed into a line "they went out before she arrived at the chasm and came back just as you were calling for help" how convenient "I know what you're thinking, but the leaders had nothing to do with it. Four reported the outage as soon as it started"

"Well then how would you explain it? A Divergent winds up dead and that's supposed to be some kind of accident? There's no way in hell that this is all a coincidence" the way he was looking at me made me frown "what?" Had I grown a second head?

"You can't say things like that when the others get here. You can't admit you knew what she was, you can't imply that she definitely was Divergent, and you can't accuse the leaders of pushing her off of the chasm. All you have to do is tell them what you know about Alyssa's last movements" well that was easy, I didn't know much.

The leaders arrived about an hour later, at least Drake did, he told us that the other leaders were waiting in their meeting room above the dining area. The moment I walked into the room it felt like an interrogation. There was a long table in the room and minimal lighting, three of the leaders were sat down already, Eric and Drake joined them and I sat opposite "Prue, I know this must be difficult, but if you can, we'd like you to tell us all about yesterday with Alyssa" Leanne said softly, she had the kindest face of the lot, Drake tried not to look sympathetic, Eric went back to machine leader mode, and Max and Jackson looked much the way they always did, like they didn't like me at all.

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