6~ Days

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I could feel my heart beating in my ears as I tapped my foot on the bathroom floor and counted the days on my fingers, my heart sank as the realisation set in and all of a sudden I felt completely alone, alienated from everyone. My friends were waiting in the next room and I couldn't bare to face them "what are you doing? Making it?" I heard Eric's voice call, I tried to block out my thoughts but it was impossible, all I could think about was what I knew.

"Just a second" I answered as I stood from the toilet seat and flushed the chain, when I got to the sink and saw myself in the mirror I looked pale, I was ghostly white, they would know something was wrong. I twisted the taps and thrust my hands under the water, then I splashed my face and looked at my appearance again, the warm water had no affect on my shade "shit" I whispered before turning the taps off and drying my hands and face on a towel.

When I came out of the bathroom my friends were laughing, their lives weren't ending like mine felt it was, Drake was teasing Lee about something and Eli and Z were watching them as if gazing upon their future. Eric was standing at the breakfast bar, pulling the cap off of a beer bottle "there you are, we thought you'd fallen in" Lee joked.

Z twisted her head to look at me, it was a happy look at first, which was surprising since she didn't want to come to Eric's apartment in the first place, but it was Lee who had talked everyone into it, naturally the only person who didn't know was Eric, everyone just showed up on his doorstep and wouldn't leave until he let them in, I had laughed when he whispered to me "they're like stray cats, if you let them in once they'll just keep coming back" and I had snorted and elbowed him in the ribs... that happiness seemed so far away now.

Z's expression became worried the longer she looked at me, she was the first to notice my complexion "are you okay?"

"I'm not feeling well, I think I might go lie down"

"Ah come on" Eli sighed "we made it through the first day of initiation, we did our jobs well and Z didn't screw up her first leaders duty" Z glared at him but then continued to look concernedly at me "we're supposed to be celebrating"

My smile was weak and unconvincing, I was going to say okay before I stopped myself "I'm sorry, I can't, I just want to rest, had a long day at work" yes, because peanut tossing is so exhausting. I turned away before anymore of them could try and dissuade me.

I hoped to god that Eric wouldn't come to check on me, I couldn't have looked him in the eyes "so" Lee said as she opened the bedroom door and closed it after entering, I had already curled up in the bed but she sat by my legs and raised an eyebrow "you want to tell me what's really wrong?"

"I don't-"

"You're a terrible liar, and the others are too drunk to notice, but I want you to tell me what's wrong. Eric told me he was thinking about you moving in with him, is that what's bothering you?" I shook my head and regretted it instantly, lying would have been easier.

I sighed and sat up, Leanne was the most determined person I knew- besides Z- she would never leave me alone until I told her "you won't tell Eric?"

"Unless it involves his death or yours, no, I won't tell him" I was silent for a moment and bit my lip, my eyes glued to my lap "oh my god, are you dying?"

"What?" I saw her wide and worried eyes and jumped on her question to correct her "no no no! I'm not dying... though Eric might kill me..." I trailed off, horrific thoughts filling my head.

Lee's hand grabbed mine, her thumb ran across my knuckles to comfort me, but it didn't make me feel any better "tell me, it's okay"

I bit my lip again, tears filling my eyes "I'm late, Lee, I counted and I'm... I'm late"

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