39~ American Funeral

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Song: American Funeral by Alex Da Kid and Joseph Angel

When I heard that Dauntless would be holding a funeral for Alyssa, I knew it wouldn't be anything tasteful, it was exactly the Dauntless send off that I had expected, they celebrated her and partied all night, I couldn't enjoy myself, even just trying to felt wrong. Instead I went back to accommodation, I hadn't really said goodbye to the place properly and wanted to sit on Alyssa's bed for a while. When I arrived I found Thackeray sat on it instead, his knees tucked into his chest.

It seemed like he had actually been waiting for me when I walked in, because he jumped off of the bed and pulled me into a hug, I didn't hug him back, I just tapped his shoulder awkwardly and waited for him to pull away "I'm sorry, it's just, I remembered the way you guys comforted me when Lee died, I just wanted to repay the favour" it took me a moment to realise he meant Darlene and not Leanne, I had been confused for a second there.

"Thanks..." I went and perched on the edge of Alyssa's bed and Thackeray sat with me "what are you doing in here? I thought you'd be out there partying"

His head bowed shamefully "I'm done with that. I've been a complete dickhead and it was Alyssa who was always telling me that I could do better, and she was right" he looked at me awkwardly "I'm sorry about what happened... in the corridor, I don't talk to them anymore, and I don't think cleaning the kitchens was punishment enough" I appreciated that, though his sympathies had come too late.

"Honestly? I forgot that ever happened. But, I'm glad you want to do better"

He smiled and nodded his head, I saw a glimpse of the Erudite boy I had seen on our first day "I wanted to ask you... if you'd help me. You don't have to say yes, I know you must be busy and-"

"I'd love to help, in anyway I can" I did it for Alyssa, because I knew she would have said yes, I had been looking for a way to honour her, and I think that was the best way.

Thackeray and I talked for a few more minutes before I left to go home, my place was a fixer upper and I still had some stuff to do, Eric had helped me clean the kitchen the night before, and now I wanted to go over the bathroom. When I arrived Eric was sitting on the sofa looking over scattered paperwork that was on the table "excuse me, sir, I think you're in the wrong apartment" I teased.

He glanced up at me and smirked before looking back down at the paperwork, I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder "I thought you'd be out longer"

"Didn't feel up to it, I don't really want to party and get drunk right now" he nodded and placed his large arm around me "what are you doing here anyway?"

"I had a meeting and then I got you a present"

I hoped he wasn't trying to make me feel better with gifts, though I would appreciate anything he got me of course "you didn't have to"

"I didn't do it because you're upset, I did it because if I stay here I am not sleeping on that mattress" he tossed his head in the direction of the bedroom and I got up to see what he had done, the sheets were from his apartment and the mattress was new, the lumpy one was gone.

I jumped back into my seat and wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him "thank you"

He kissed me back and relaxed against the back of the sofa, neglecting his paperwork "and when you're feeling better maybe we'll get to christen it"

"Oh, you really know how to sweet talk a girl"

He feigned a look of modesty and grinned cheekily, he grabbed my legs and pulled them over his lap and then wrapped his arms around my waist, it was the first time that I'd laughed since we found Alyssa "you know me, I'm all about living that fairytale life, baby"

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