8~ I'm Sorry

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Eric had been ignoring me all day, only addressing me when it was important and when he needed to tell me what to do, I was supposed to be watching a fight between two male initiates but my eyes were watching Eric instead, unprofessional, I know. But the way he was acting was starting to scare me, Eric was the type of person to face his problems head on, if he had an issue with something I had done he'd usually tell me out right, but instead he had decided to freeze me out, and somehow that hurt more.

Next thing I knew I was hearing a loud thump and silent gasps around me, I looked down at the fight I was supposed to be supervising and kicked myself "shit" I whispered as I crouched down next to the tall boy who had been knocked clean out "what's his name?" I asked his conscious friend who looked incredibly guilty.

"Uh, Will, his name's Will"

I nodded and started lightly tapping Will's cheek "Will. Hey, come on, Will?" So far he was unresponsive, I kept tapping his cheek and realised that everyone was waiting for any signs of life, even Eric was watching "there you are, you alright?" Will mumbled a series of grunts as I looked up at Four.

"Get him up" Eric said with no sympathy, I had almost forgotten this side of him existed, the side that watched Will being peeled off the floor with a cannibalistic stare.

Four recorded Will's opponents victory, who's name I learnt to be Al, then he walked Will out and left Eric and I alone with the initiates, I could see the nervous looks on their faces, they feared Eric and they had no idea what to think of me yet.

The fights resumed, I went to supervise a boy and girl match while Eric watched Tris's friend and a broad girl fight. The boy in the match I was watching fought dirty against his partner, the girl kept looking at me as if begging me to make it stop, but I just stared evenly and waited until she was unable to continue. Then I looked over at Eric, Tris's friend was a mess, she was holding her arms up and shouting something, when I stood next to Eric I just heard her say "I'm done"

I was scared for her. Now was not the opportune moment to be cowardly in front of Eric.

While Eric spoke to her I looked over at Tris, she looked just as worried for Christina as I did "get up" I heard Eric say as I shifted my attention back to him, he didn't shout, he was calm and quiet, I knew this to mean he was going to do something Four would frown upon, and given his current mood I wasn't sure if I should've dragged him away "okay. Let me give you a hand"

He put out his hand for Christina but she was hesitant, I looked at his face and saw the reticent expression there 'don't test his patience' I said to myself in my head 'not today'. Christina took too long to take his hand, so he grabbed her harshly and yanked her off of the floor "alright, let's everyone take a break" this seemed to lull everyone into a false sense of security, they knew to be weary, they thought him yanking her off the floor was the worse he'd do, I knew better "follow me" he addressed the group.

Everyone did as told and followed him, I walked behind him and Christina, watching Eric's movements carefully, Tris was next to me and I could tell she was doing the same thing. Once we were out into the open Chasm I could hear the water thrashing below, then, before I could stop it, Christina was hanging off the walkway. Eric was tightly gripping her wrist and it took a minute for it to sink in that he had pushed her "grab the rail" he said "or don't" he let her wrist go and Christina immediately grabbed the rail, panting. Eric set the rules, she must hang there for five minutes. Her choices were to keep hanging there until the time was up, fall and die, or to give up, only if she gave up she'd be thrown out of Dauntless.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now