10~ The Other Teams Flag

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Eric and I hadn't talked for long, but once my knee had stopped feeling funny I got up and sat on the floor by Eric's chair, I helped clean the knives in silence and only asked the odd question here and there. I didn't have the courage to ask why he had come to see me in the bathroom that day, I wasn't sure I wanted to know the answer.

Four woke us up one morning, and at first it was like an ordinary day, we had stretching, sparring and then a few fights, which I lost. But then, as it was starting to get dark outside and everyone was just about preparing for bed, Four announced that we would be going outside of the compound again, and that we needed to get ready.

We hurried into our jackets and boots and met Four and Eric at the tracks, along with the Dauntless-borns, Eli was quick to envelop me in a hug, commenting something about hoping we'd be on the same team, but at the time I didn't know what he meant, not until we were on the train anyway.

Four and Eric explained that we were going out to play a Dauntless tradition, some kind of variation of something called capture the flag, the variation was that we had guns "is it paintballs like last year?" Eli asked "my sister said they hurt like a-"

"No, Eli" Four said dryly "we're not using paintballs"

"We got ourselves a new toy" Eric grinned quite sadistically as he reached into a black duffel bag and pulled out a red gun, I recognised it as the same type of gun that he had shot Edgar in the leg with "neurostim dart" he announced, staring lovingly at the weapon "simulates the type of pain you'd feel from a real gunshot wound. Real nasty stuff. Right Edgar?" Edgar visibly went red from embarrassment.

Eli stared at the guns with the same doting expression "awesome" he cooed.

"Glad you think so" Four mumbled sarcastically "now we split into two teams, Eric and I are captains. The aim of the game is simple, protect and hide your own flag, or find the other teams flag, or do both" Four gestured to the group "Eric"

"Oh, letting me pick first? How sweet of you, Four" Eric didn't seem to think for a second, he already knew who he wanted in his team "Thackeray"

"Adam" Adam was overjoyed that Four had chosen him, and although he didn't need to he stepped towards Four's side and stood there proudly.



I looked down at the floor of the train, huffed and looked back up, Eric was staring at me "Prue" Alyssa let out a disappointed sigh, but as Four chose his next team member Eric stared intensely at me, like he was warning me not to screw this up.

Four chose Tarrant next, then Eric chose Edgar and Four was then left with Darlene. After that they split up the Dauntless-born, and Eli ended up on my team. He grinned widely and gave me a high five, I was hoping the game would live up to Eli's expectations of it, he seemed more excited than any of us. Once we were armed and at the old fair grounds, the train slowed and everyone started jumping off, once we were on the ground Eli picked me up from behind and swung me around, laughing about how we were going to thrash Four's team.

Eric had already gotten into his competitive mode, his game face was on and he was telling everyone to shut up while we split from Fours group "right" he said, once we reached a clearing between buildings "what's your strategy?"

"We need to hide our flag" Eli suggested quickly.

"And what about the other teams flag? Are you planning to get it or stay and protect your own?"

We all looked at each other, as though trying to non verbally communicate, but it seemed no one was speaking the same language, 50 odd suggestions were being shouted out at once "no that's dumb, we should-"

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