26~ Candor

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Z and I ended up going to the party alone that night, and it was probably the best night out we'd had yet. The music was so loud we could feel it vibrating through our bones, I could feel it pulsing through my chest like a vibration. We tried to talk to each other but the intense volume made it impossible, I could only see her plump lips moving but no sound seemed to leave them. We laughed and moved our hips to the beat, the lights weren't like last time, they flashed and moved over us like lasers of red and blue, sometimes it would blind you and other times it would frame you in a flattering way.

Z and I danced close to each other, taking breaks every now and again to breathe and get drinks, when it got later someone brought out a fog machine, it made everyone a little harder to see but it was spectacular, the way everyone became a mystery. With the fog and the lights and all the bodies the room got hot quickly, within minutes Z and I were drenched in sweat from our foreheads to our cleavage, but we didn't care, we were drinking and dancing and then drinking some more, until eventually we were in this state of euphoria where nothing mattered.

Someone splashed their drink on Z's face and my leg, Z had never looked more annoyed, with all the alcohol in her system it must have seemed the greatest atrocity mankind had ever seen, she turned around and punched the guy who splashed her before turning back to dance like nothing had happened. I laughed and wiped the drink away from her face, careful not to smudge her makeup, she had spent hours on it after all.

After about an hour or two we were drenched in sweat and seeing two of everything, we were dancing and rolling her hips like wild women, flipping our hair and downing whatever drinks were handed to us.

The party never seemed like it was going to end, but about halfway through Logan found us "ladies, you've put on'a fffuckin good show" it was obvious that he was as drunk as we were.

It was a miracle that when he'd spoken the song was just changing, otherwise we wouldn't have heard him, neither me or Logan could hear whatever Z said in reply. So Logan just shrugged, handed us some shots and danced with us for what felt like a long length of time.

I had probably never felt so free in all my life. I'd never let go the way I had that night. Swaying my hair, rolling my hips to the beat, discovering the various ways I could move my body. The music, the lights, the fog, the bodies pressed against us, all of it created a whole other world where inhibitions ran low and anything seemed achievable.

The women were loose and the men were looser.

I knew as soon as the room started spinning and the alcohol I had drunk was sitting in my throat like acid that it was time to stop, I grabbed Z's hand and pulled her to the door, the crowd spilled to the levels above and below the apartment we had come out of, we had to hobble up several flights of stairs before we could minorly hear each other. It wasn't that the music was still loud, it was that our eardrums had been assaulted to such a degree that it felt like we were speaking through water.

"I think I'm- I'm going to be sick..." Z spluttered out, she'd drunk far more than I had.


"I think-" her hand covered her mouth and I knew, I slid down a few steps out of her firing range but nothing came "I'm okay... I'm okay" but I didn't move from my spot, just in case.

"I can't hear a f-fucking thing" I shouted, Z's muffled voice was barely audible.


"I said- never mind" I groaned and pressed my fingers to my ears, trying to unclog them though there was nothing to unclog.

"Ya'know sumthin'?"

"No, what?"

Z started laughing "I think- I think my mother would- she'd die if she saw me now"

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