7~ The Test

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"Holy shit... pregnant? Well- what are you gonna do? Eric'll play hell" Thackeray gasped in shock, I hadn't really planned on telling him, but between Leanne giving me the silent treatment, Z having crippling fears of babies, Eli being her partner, and Adam probably having a somewhat biased opinion of Eric's baby, I realised that Thackeray was the only person left that I could confide in.

I shovelled some breakfast into my mouth and put my finger to my lips to tell Thackeray to keep his voice down "I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't want it and I'm terrified, Eric and I are too young for kids, and even if I did want it I know that Eric doesn't, we're in this together and I have to consider his feelings"

"Together? So you've told him?"

He knew the answer when I swallowed my food with a loud gulp "how do I tell him something like that? He'll kill me"

"Well you're always preaching what a decent guy he is, maybe he'll just maim you"


"What?" I raised an eyebrow and he sighed "I'm sorry. Have you had a test done?"

I frowned as I pushed my tray away "to be honest, I've been dreading it, what if it's positive?"

Thackeray shrugged "then I guess you'll be pregnant. Will you go to Erudite?"

"Wait, why?" I knew why, I was just surprised that he had heard the rumours too, then again he was originally from Erudite so maybe it wasn't that surprising after all.

"You must have heard what they can do"

It was a horrible thought, but yes, I knew "the practice of abortions was abolished after the war, apparently women fought tirelessly for their rights to have one but it was all for nothing. I hear it's medieval now, the way they do it..."

"I know"

I swallowed again, bile steadily rising in my throat "I could die"

"So don't risk it"

"But if I don't Eric will kill me anyway"

Thackeray threw his arms up in defeat "do you have work today?"

I panicked for a second, did I? With all this stress had I just forgotten? "No, no Four has the initiates and Logan said he'd be okay on his own- for once" the mornings were never usually very busy in the control room, if there were ever a riot to be had the Factionless would usually do it in the late afternoon or in the night.

"Right, you're coming back to mine, I'll run and get you a test and we'll see what happens. Okay? There'll be no worries about Eric walking in then"


"Prue, what are you doing here?" Leanne looked surprised to see me, I had just come back from Thackeray's apartment and for some reason the first person that I wanted to see was Leanne "are you okay?"

"I took the test"

She looked more nervous than I did in that moment "you did? What did it say? Are you pregnant?" She wanted me to be, I could tell.

"No, the test was negative"

Leanne was more disappointed than I had been, and I wasn't all that disappointed at all "I'm sorry" it was difficult to resist telling her what I wanted to say in reply, that I wasn't sorry, and that she shouldn't be either, but I knew that with Leanne that would have gone down just as well as a house on fire "would you like to come in?"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now