2~ Somebody To Love

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Four and I were on shift in the control room. We were watching the monitors while testing each other for our instructors course, though it was more like he was testing me, the only things he needed to brush up on were the updated rules. The whole time however I was thinking about how that time the day before I was doing the same thing with Eric, he spent two hours with me, helping me study, and I wondered if Four had anyone outside of the control room, he watched over every member of Dauntless, but did he have anyone to watch over him?

"Are you listening?"


"Are you listening?"

I blinked and shook my head to shake away my stray thoughts "yeah yeah, sorry"

"Right, how many initiates will be cut th-"

"Do you have anyone, Four?"

Four stared at me for a second, his expression asking if I was serious, he stiffened and ran his tongue over his teeth "Candor must be hard to get out of your system"

"Sorry, but, I've known you for almost a year now but I don't really know you, you never talk about yourself. And I worry about you, being so alone and all"

"Did you ever think I like being alone? That there's a reason I don't talk about myself" I couldn't figure why anyone would want to be alone the way Four was, he had no one as far as I knew, he had coworkers, he even had a rival in my boyfriend, but was there anyone in the world who loved him?

I sighed, sometimes my mind took over my mouth and I didn't always stop it "I'm sorry. I know I'm a nosy cow but still, you shouldn't be alone forever, I've got Eric and my life's never been better" he pulled a face similar to the one Adam always pulled when I brought up my other half "stop it, he's good to me"

"Shame he can't be good to everyone else" sometimes I agreed with this, but Eric wasn't like that, he couldn't be and I didn't really want him to change "but I guess that makes you feel special, doesn't it?"

My eyes narrowed on him "what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's not supposed to mean anything"

"No, you're implying that I'm only with him to feel special"

His eyes stayed glued to the paper in front of him, he didn't really like confrontation and he'd just walked himself into an argument, I could see that he didn't want to dig himself into a deeper hole but I wasn't letting this go. Everyone always picked at mine and Eric's relationship, and I was sick of listening to it "I'm not trying to imply anything"

"But you were though"


"No! No I'm sick of everyone assuming the worst, he's amazing! He looks after me, he pulls me together when I'm crying, he keeps me strong and he laughs with me. You must all think that he hits me, that he's a cruel and unfeeling bastard. Well he's not! He's a good man!" I stood from my chair, I was so angry I couldn't sit there and defend Eric anymore, I shouldn't have had to, the fact that he was in a relationship in the first place should have been testament to the fact that he could feel.

Four looked up at me, he could see how angry I was and just wanted the whole argument to be over "I'm sure he is"

"I know who Eric is, and I love him all the same. That's what people don't understand, that I love him because of and despite his faults. You don't understand, but you will when you're with someone, she- or he- won't be perfect and you'll just have to accept that"


The atmosphere had become awkward, I was just standing there staring at the top of his head while he stared at his course book "do you mind if I leave? I'm meeting Adam tonight and-"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now