31~ The Final test

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The day of our final tests snuck up on us as our last two days went by in a flash, Four said he was confident in me but I was still bricking it when I entered that room with the five leaders staring at me. I was worried that I would have that fear again, the one with Alyssa in it, I was scared that I was going to jeopardise everything, it hadn't shown up again during my hour sessions, but that didn't mean I was over it.

The room was a lot bigger than I thought necessary, it was a large circle with lots of bright lights and a bright orange chair in the middle, the five Dauntless leaders were gathered around a large monitor, faced away from the other initiates who were waiting for their turn. Z went first and we watched as she sat in the chair and was injected by Leanne, after she drifted off the leaders watched the screen carefully and I wondered why we weren't allowed to see it too.

Every time Z's body twitched in the chair, Eli would tense and get nervous, I took his hand in mine and assured him that Z would be fine. Then I thought if Eric would be so concerned about me, especially since he'd be watching. My mind traveled back to the day I went shopping with Leanne, she picked a few things out for me and bought them herself (which I insisted she shouldn't have) then I went up to Eric's apartment and we talked about what Max had told us. Eric uncomfortably admitted that he had been afraid that I would leave him, but I told him that I didn't care about what Max said and that I would be with him even when the world was ending.

I spent the night at his place and again the next night, on that night I came out of the bedroom and woke Eric up, he had slept on the sofa again, I took his hand and led him to the bedroom, we didn't have sex, but we slept side by side in each other's arms and it was probably the best nights sleep I had ever had. I felt safe.

Of course Adam kept ambushing me with questions, like "where do you sleep at night?" Or "why don't we see you as much now?" Or even "since when were you friends with Drake and Leanne?" I again promised that I would tell him everything once initiation was over, and I repeated the same thing to Alyssa when she asked the same questions.


My eyes wandered to her sat between Adam and Eli, I was so nervous for her, I could tell by the way she was chewing her lip that she was scared, Four had obviously explained what was at stake and that she had to perform normally yet perfectly. Out of all of us she was under the most pressure.

Z finished and then Fiona went next after being injected by Drake, by this time I was about ready to break down, what if I had the Alyssa fear? I could get us both killed. When Fiona finished my heart started to pound in my chest, threatening to burst through my ribs and escape "Prudence Blake" kill me, I thought as I got up from the bench and moved towards the ominous orange chair.

I tried to look confident as I sat down, but I was sure I would vomit if my heart kept beating the way it did, I shut my eyes for a moment and heard my injector approach the chair "hey, you'll do fine" I opened my eyes and my heart slowed when I saw Eric's face looking back at me.

"Just, tell me you'll keep your promise, about Alyssa" perhaps knowing for sure that he would, would put my mind to rest.

Eric frowned as he filled the syringe with the honey like serum "I will. But, if she does anything that threatens the people of this faction, I will do my job" I couldn't expect any more from him. I nodded and he moved my ponytail aside so that he could get at my neck, he brushed the skin with his thumb for a second before the needle was pushed in. I winced and felt myself start to feel groggy "you can do this" were the last words I heard.

I opened my eyes to find the entire city view stretched out before my very eyes, at first I thought it beautiful, but then I realised how high up I was and momentarily panicked. I was stood on the tallest building in Chicago, and I was facing a fear I thought I was done with "heights" I muttered to myself before I took a run up and leapt off of the edge of the building.

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