3~ Textbooks

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Adams apartment was packed with people that night, I didn't know who half of them were and most of them avoided me because of my connection to Eric, but the ones I did know knew not to be afraid. I spent most of the night dancing with Z and Adam and then I noticed Thackeray walk in. I was fuming, after all our hard work he thought it was okay to waltz into a booze infested apartment? "What are you doing here?!" I hissed as I dragged him outside.

"Adam invited me"

"Adam- argh I'll kill him! You shouldn't be here!"

Thackeray smiled leisurely "relax, I'm around alcohol all the time on the fence and I never touch it. Plus, Adam got fruit juices for me. Double plus, I've got you to keep an eye on me" I frowned, I didn't want him to be surrounded by so much temptation "honestly P, I'm fine" I was weak, I let him into the party but in my defence I watched him like a hawk the whole night.

At the end he was the only one who couldn't see two of everything, he helped me back to my apartment and then crashed on my sofa, when I woke up he was gone and there was a note on the fridge.

It's an Erudite recipe for a hangover cure, try not to think about the taste too much ~T

I had no idea what he was talking about but when I opened the fridge I found a glass filled with a thick green goo which smelled of something rotten. I tried to take his advice but by the second mouthful my stomach was threatening to bring it all back up, I couldn't finish it and shoved it back into the fridge, I'd try again after I had gotten ready.

Once I could walk in a straight line again I went hunting for the library, just as Eric said it was in a forgotten and dank corner of Dauntless, right where no one went. The lone woman behind the desk had greying hair and wrinkles lining her face, the minute I walked in she perked up and de-aged a few years, she told me about her sons accomplishments and her husbands weight gain, an hour or two later I managed to escape with a few books in my arms and headed back to my apartment.

I had started reading a book by Erudite's leader when Eric came in "howdy" I greeted him with a smile.

"What?" He laughed.

"It's an old Earth greeting from the Western times" I said excitedly "did you know that people used to speak hundreds of languages? There's one here called Yiddish and it's fascinating, also Por-tug-uese and French, French is beautiful" it really was, there was this whole page about a magical place called Paris and a large tower that was built there. I wondered if it still existed, a dilapidated structure perhaps, rusting away, or the centre of life, maybe there were people still out there living life normally.

Eric came and took the book from me so that he could read the cover "The History of Life On Earth by Jeanine Mathews" he sighed and handed it back "didn't I tell you this stuff is bullshit? Most of it's inaccurate"

"How would you know?"

"Because it was written by know-it-all's who just want to show off. Look" he took the book back and flipped to the last few end pages "in the past humans dreamed of white picket fences and red roses in their gardens, but now, in Erudite, we pride ourselves on our hunger for knowledge, etcetera etcetera. It's all crap designed to make Erudite look superior"

This time he threw the book onto the seat next to me on the sofa and went into the small kitchen, when he emerged he had a beer in each hand, one of which he gave to me "you really don't like Erudite, do you?"

Eric sighed and slumped onto the sofa, as he kicked off his boots he said "Erudite used to be good, all they cared about was knowledge and our history, but that woman took over and now all she wants is power, she cares about proving she's superior and that's it" I wondered what he meant by wanting power, those rumours I had heard suggested that Erudite wanted a bigger role in the government, I guessed that's what he meant.

"Do you want to see what else I got?" I could see that he wanted to change the subject, and he smiled relievedly.


I could feel myself getting excited as I got up and ran into the bedroom, when I returned Eric had started on his beer and sat up as he saw the pile in my arms "I thought I'd have a go at reading that Sherlock you talked about, and I got" I plucked the book from the top of the pile and held it in front of my face "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! So that you can educate yourself" I grinned as I tossed the book to him and he caught it one hand "the librarian also recommended this dude called Shakespeare but she said it might be a bit difficult for me to read" I picked up the book she had handed to me, Macbeth, I had skimmed through the first few pages and didn't understand much of what they were saying, but the librarian said that wasn't point, though I didn't entirely understand what the point was.

"When are you gonna find the time to read all of these?" he looked at my large pile and was probably thinking about my busy schedule, I had work and instructor training, they both took up about 90% of my day.

I shrugged "I can read them while I'm working, I wouldn't have to talk to your weirdo friend then" I laughed jokingly.

"Logan's an acquired taste, I've found, you either like him or you hate him" this I agreed with, sometimes he was an awesome ball of energy and other times he made you want to toss yourself off the chasm, or better yet toss him off of the chasm.

"Pretty much, and I've noticed he and Thackeray have started hanging out, I'm not sure they're a good mix" the party boy who drinks for half of his time and a recovering alcoholic.

Eric's muscles tensed at the mention of Thackeray's name, I'd noticed that Eric made sure to be out somewhere else whenever he came round, and he seemed quite jealous "oh don't do that, I help him stay sober"

"I didn't say anything"

"You don't have to" I dumped the books on the table and moved the Erudite book off the sofa, then I sat down next to Eric and made sure he could hear me "I'm helping a friend, I'm not interested in him and he's not interested in me. He and I are completely platonic"

"I know, but I see him getting close to you and I just want to smash his face into the concrete, repeatedly, for like a really long time" this, this was my boyfriend.

I bit my lip as I jumped on his lap and strategically started tracing circles on the back of his neck, I knew he liked that "you know I only have eyes for you, baby. Plus" I ran my free hand down his chest as his hands slid over my hips "he's probably not as good in the sack"

The minute I'd said that a dirty smirk spread over his lips, would I ever meet a Dauntless that wasn't sex wild? "Fine. But if he touches you I'll break his legs"

With a smile I stooped down to kiss him, but before my lips touched his I said "and I'll break his fingers"

"That's my girl" Eric grinned as he stretched his neck upwards so that he could press his lips to mine. I never thought I'd love anyone the way I loved him, I loved Adam, Z, Eli, Leanne and Drake but it was a different kind of love, brother and sisterly love. But I loved Eric with such passion that I never envisioned I'd be with anyone else. The year we'd shared together was euphoric, every time I thought I could never be happier he'd do something that would make me fall for him all over again, I was just waiting for the fall, whenever I was happy in life something would happen and I would fall from my high, it was only a matter of time before the earth shook or someone else died.

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Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now