24~ Fear Landscapes

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A few days later Four told us to meet in the Pit instead of the sim waiting room, then he lead us up the Pit until we had reached the very top and lead us into a large room, there was a monitor like the sim room, only there was no chair, and there was nothing else, the room was empty. The exposed brick walls were decorated with graffiti and the floor beneath us was cold stone, there was no clue as to what would take place in that room, but I guessed Four was about to explain as he headed for the middle of the floor.

"This is where you will experience your fear landscape, that's all of your fears in one go-" the door we had just come through opened and the group split in half to let someone through "nice of you to join us, Eric"

"Thought I'd stop by. See how these sorry excuses for initiates are doing so far"

Fours eyes darted between Eric and I, neither of us gave anything away on our faces, but Four seemed to see something anyway "right" he turned his attention back to the group "as I was saying, we've stored data regarding each of your worst fears, after you've been injected with the serum you'll face all of them in a virtual environment, one after the other. The way you'll get through them and move onto the next sim will be to face your fear or slow your heart rate, just like usual" he headed for the monitor and fiddled with a few buttons "for today you'll only go through one of your fears, so that you get a feel for the way the simulations work. You will have the same fears that you've already experienced but you may also have new ones"

"How many fears will we have?" Alyssa asked.

"The average is ten to fifteen, though it's possible to have five or less" I heard Eric clear his throat and looked over to see him shift uncomfortably, an annoyed expression on his face, what nerve had Four just hit? "You'll also be aware that you're in the fear landscape, unlike when you experience the single simulations, and you'll be combining the things you've learned in stages one and two, the physical and the mental aspects" he turned to Eric who had leant against one of the walls with his arms crossed "since you're here you may as well tell them what happens next week"

Eric shrugged and pushed off of the wall, standing where Four had been standing before he went to the monitor "next week you will experience your fear landscape under the witness of myself and the other four Dauntless leaders, this will act as your final test and will ultimately decide your final rankings"

I swallowed and stared at the monitor, in a week my entire future would be decided by Eric and the other leaders, I knew I'd have to work extra hard now, the pressure to impress the other leaders was on, for whatever reason I wanted their approval, to know that I was good enough to be with their coworker.

"We'll go in the usual order" I heard Z sigh beside me, she always went first "Z, step up to the monitor"

Eric went back to his place leaning against the wall as Z made her way towards Four, looking confident in posture and unsure in expression "which one will I have?" I knew she was dreading having the baby sim in front of us.

Four frowned, he'd guessed the same thing I had "it's randomly generated, you could have any of them, or like I said you could have a new one" Z nodded hesitantly and tilted her head to the side so that her neck was exposed, Four pushed a stray hair out of the way before pressing the needle into her neck.

We watched her experience a fear of failure, it was similar to one of my fears in that she was rejected from Dauntless and thrown out, she didn't fight as I had expected her to, she calmed herself down and the simulation ended. A Dauntless-born went after her, she finished quite quickly and then it was my turn. Four injected me and before I went under I looked at Eric, his head nodded slightly and then I couldn't see him anymore. Adam was standing in front of me talking away about some guy he had met, I realised it wasn't really Adam and knew which fear I was in.

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