21~ Thackerays Farewell

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"Hey, Four"

Four looked up from his monitor, he hadn't expected to see me but he smiled nonetheless "Prue"

I pointed to the second exit "was that Tris just leaving?"

He looked up to the door and stared at it for a moment before looking back down at the monitor "it was" he tapped away at the screen, pretending I wasn't there I suppose.

"How's she doing?"

The tanned instructor frowned "she had to shoot her family today" it was rare to see any kind of pitying emotion from Four, but the impression that I got was that he didn't enjoy watching her go through that.

"I spoke to Lauren today, she and Eric had been discussing their progress. She says that Tris is faster than the average, less than three minutes I think she said. Lauren seemed proud, I- on the other hand- am nervous" my implication was clear, I had known Alyssa's times before Four helped her even them out, she was above the average too, though not as fast as Tris was.

Four had trusted me with Uriah, who I had successfully gotten to an inconspicuous spot of second place so far, so I couldn't understand why he wouldn't trust me with Tris. He turned quickly from his monitor, his face set into a hard and incredulous expression "what are you saying, Prue?"

Like I said, my implication was clear, so why was he feigning ignorance? "You know what I'm saying, she's a you-know-what and you didn't tell me. I thought you trusted me"

"I do trust you. But I've got this one handled, you just focus on Uriah"

I still had my Candor ability of analysation, I took a second to look over his features until I knew what was happening "you're so transparent and you don't even know" I smirked condescendingly and opened the door I entered through to leave.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked after me.

"Goodbye, Four" I sang back just as the door was closing. So, Four was an idiot like me, he didn't realise when he was falling for someone.

From there I headed to work, this was going to be the first time I'd be at work alone, I finally felt like a member of the team. I was halfway there when Thackeray stopped me, he was wearing his guard gear and had a duffle bag in one hand and a backpack on his back, he was leaving "hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping me last night, I think I'd still be laying in that corridor if it weren't for you"

I smiled awkwardly "it's fine, have you told your other sponsor what's gone on here, so he can help you when you get to the fence?" Thackeray nodded "good, then you'd better get going, you don't want to miss the train"

I no longer wanted to be stood there having that conversation, it sounds awful but I had been dreaming of a break away from Thackeray "no I better hadn't" there was a look in his eyes that I used to see in Eric's sometimes, he was expecting something more, he wanted me to tell him that I wanted him to stay, when all I wanted was for him to leave. Thackeray looked disappointed when he realised I wasn't going to say anything that he wanted me to, his lips pressed into a line as he squeezed my arm and made to turn away, but he turned back quickly "Prue?"


"Are we friends, still?" Were we ever friends? I wondered, because sometimes I just felt like his crutch, but there were other times that I had shared things with him and had conversations that I would have had with Z or Adam.

"Yeah. Yeah we're still friends" his smile was soft and relieved, suddenly I wanted to comfort him "look don't worry, just because I'm not the one doesn't mean you'll never find someone. Just remember that Darlene would want you to be happy" tears started to well in his eyes so he dropped his duffle bag and pulled me into a tight hug, I tapped his back awkwardly and then resigned my arms back to my sides, waiting for him to let go.

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