28~ Uriah's Lesson

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"Hey teach" I looked up and smiled at Uriah as he strut into the room, a bright smile on his face like always "you wanted to see me?"

"Hi, yeah I did. It's been a few days since our last lesson and I just wanted to make sure you're still good" Uriah was a good kid, I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure he'd be alright.

He shut the door to the sim room and walked in a little "sure, I think I've been doing pretty well though"

"I know, but this is just a refresher" I smiled and indicated to the chair. In a few moments he was in my head and experiencing my fears, just like every other time we'd done it before.

He hated watching me go through my fear of being burned alive, he always gave me such a pitying look after that one, but the next fear wasn't one I'd seen before, and Uriah knew it "what's this one?"

"New fears can appear..." I said quietly, looking around the houses of Abnegation, there was no one around "equally-" I croaked, I cleared my throat and tried again, I had a bad feeling "equally old ones can disappear"

Uriah was uncertain, but I knew what had happened once I saw blood spatters appearing all around us and the echoing sound of gunfire, it sounded like it was right next to us, but there was still no one in sight, like we were standing with ghosts that could not be seen but could be heard. There was screaming, crying and the sound of muffled orders being given.

"What do you fear about Abnegation?"

"I don't fear Abnegation"

My student looked around, he was hearing the same things I was "so what are those sounds?"

"They're people dying, Uriah. They're being murdered"

His eyes widened a little, Dauntless were not killers, in self defence maybe, but we were not murderers, the very thought repulsed us "who's killing them?"

My friends appeared in front of us, dead eyed and robotic in movement, forcing Abnegation men, women and children to their knees "we are" I swallowed the bile in my throat and turned to Uriah, I had rigged the computer so that when I said "right, I think that's enough for today" it would pull us out, and it did.

Obviously Uriah had questions, and I realised I hadn't set a good example by running from my fear, but it wasn't a fear I wanted him to see "what was that? You think Dauntless are going to kill Ab-"

"Shh, no of course not. No, I'm afraid of what Dauntless could do in the wrong hands. All this stuff about Erudite running government must have thrown me off"

"But why would Dauntless be forced-"

"Uriah" he looked at me with wide eyes, they were filled to the brim with questions "it's nothing. Now I think you should go hang out with your friends, have some fun" I smiled the best smile I could muster and ushered him out of the door, I leant against the wall for a moment, thinking about the sim, I had to go back in, I had to know how it ended.

I sat back in the chair and started the computer, injecting myself before feeling the room disappear. I went through my other fears before I ended up at Abnegation again, it was as it was before. Silent and abandoned, I stood in the very center, though you wouldn't have known that, every house was identical, and none had been tarnished with blood yet. Yet.

It appeared slowly like a veil being lifted, the houses now had bullet holes embedded in the cement and blood biblically dripped down the walls.

The sounds of screaming and gunshots around me started from nothing before getting louder and louder, they were all around me, but I couldn't see them, I felt isolated and lonely in the knowledge of what was happening.

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