35~100% Divergent

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"She thinks there's a message from the Founders?"

"This says she's thinks its hidden in Abnegation, she has building plans and profiles on everyone living there"

"Including my parents"

"She has the most information on them and Marcus Eaton" when Tris looked at Four as Leanne said that, I thought it was just for her parents' sake, of course none of us realised at the time that Four was actually Tobias Eaton, the son of Marcus, ignorance that was only going to last a few more seconds

Eric narrowed his eyes and looked over the comprehensive profiles "she must think one of them have it... holy shit, you dick. You're Tobias Eaton?" Four looked at him blankly "says here Marcus' only son defected to Dauntless, you're the only stiff we had that year"


Eric scoffed "nothing I guess"

Tris shook her head impatiently and started swiping at Erics screen before he swatted her hand away "what does she think they have?"

"Looks like some kind of box, really old, kinda ugly. Thinks it holds some message from the founders that will... 'ensure peace without Divergents' whatever that means" Leanne read from over Erics shoulder "I'd understand all this effort if it was some kind of secret weapon but its just... a message?"

"She doesn't know what it is for sure but that seems to be the foremost theory" Four said as he pulled up the same screen Eric was reading from.

Tris went to his screen to ask "so why hasn't she found it yet?"

"Well" Eric started before Four could "I'm guessing the attack on Abnegation was going to be a two birds one stone type of deal"

It came together in my head and before Eric could finish I finished for him "take out the competition for government and get the box"

"If its even there" Leanne scoffed "this is all a pretty convoluted plan for something that might not even exist"

Eric shrugged and spun around in his seat "doesn't matter if it's real right now, Jeanine believes it is"

I took the back of Erics chair and spun him back around to face his screen "send all of this to Candor, if Logan hasn't managed to convince Jack Kang, this should. I won't let Adam die for nothing" he nodded and started compiling everything together after giving my hand a subtle squeeze. I went over to Four "can you tell where she is?"

"I've got an idea" he pulled the surveillance from around the tower and we watched in happy surprise as the other half of our group approached with Jeanine and Max who were handcuffed, plus at least half of Dauntless behind them dragging the Erudite from the compound.

We made their journey up to the control room as smooth as possible. Soon after, Jack Kang and Logan appeared along with a few of the Candor faction, including my old friend Melissa Avery "I've been hearing some very interesting rumours about you, Jeanine" he said when he came face to face with her, we had moved into a larger room filled with tables and chairs that the Dauntless cleared as Candor started bringing in video equipment.

Drake pulled us aside to tell us that Max had escaped and found Jeanine, that they and some of their sympathisers had gone to Abnegation in a last desperate attempt to retrieve the box. Tris' parents had died in the ensuing struggle as well as about twenty Abnegation who had resisted. They sacrificed their lives trying to protect the box and their faction, and by extension their daughter, because of what they knew was required to open it.

Tris had been devastated, she sobbed into Four's shoulder in another room for a while as Max, Jeanine and her conspirators were forced into chairs. I had hoped that by doing this we would have prevented any bloodshed in Abnegation, that no one- especially not Tris' parents of all people- would have died.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now