23~ Archives

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"He's an old friend of mine, don't worry"

"I am worrying, because Erudite don't betray their faction to let other factions come snooping in their archives!" I couldn't understand why this 'friend' of Eric's would do this for him, because my old friends back in Candor probably wouldn't piss on me if I was on fire now that I had gone rogue.

We approached the back of the Erudite headquarters, there was hardly anyone around except for a tall man with pointed features and dirty blond hair "incognito, Eric? You're the size of a truck" Eric smirked, his muscles stretched the fabric of his suit and had attracted a little attention during our approach.

"It's good to see you too, Pierce"

Pierce cracked a smile though it looked odd on his face, it was crooked and ultimately out of place "and you've brought a lady friend"

"Pierce, Prue. Prue, Pierce" I smiled awkwardly at the lanky man, I wasn't sure what it was about him that I didn't like, but his cold eyes sent chills down my spine, I didn't trust him.

"Lovely to make your acquaintance but lets get on with this, shall we?" He took a card out of his breast pocket and flashed it to a small black reader by the door he had been guarding, the reader flashed green and then we heard a click, he stretched out a long arm and pushed it open "try not to be too long" Eric nodded and gestured for me to go in first, he followed me in but before Pierce closed the door behind us he said "oh, Eric. This is the first and last time I'll do this" and then tossed Eric his card.

He didn't wait for Eric's reply before he closed the door and left us in darkness. It took a moment for the lights to respond, we were standing in an alarmingly bright white hallway which led to a door behind a grate. Eric stepped in front and walked ahead, he swiped Pierce's card and swung the grate open, then we stepped into the next bit and swiped the card again, the grey steel door opened to reveal a large room with seemingly no end.

Once Eric closed the door behind us I was almost frozen in awe, what we had entered what was like a warehouse with shelving units and pathways carved through them, there were objects everywhere you turned, each with a tag. It wasn't the mess I had imagined, everything was sorted and identified. Then towards the back there were tons of boxes on shelves, there were filing cabinets and book shelves, long drawers which contained papers and display cases.

The sight of it all was intense, the bright white space made it almost possible that we had entered heaven. I had no idea where to start. For a moment I forgot Eric was there and just started running, my boots made a squeaking sound against the floor as I ran, I could have probably run forever, but I eventually stopped and looked at the first object my eyes met.

If there had been no tag I wouldn't have known what it was "megaphone" I read aloud "used to play records which then produces music" I wondered if it still worked, I doubted it, it looked to be in terrible condition.

I then ran towards the boxes and pulled one down "careful" Eric warned "everything has to go back where we found it" I nodded and watched as he sat down on a metal chair, I had noticed a few them down the pathways.

The one thing I couldn't understand was his disinterest, he seemed content to just watch me. I opened the box and found a ton of old newspapers, they dated back years and years, since before the war "how did they get all this stuff?"

"Most of it was probably found searching the buildings, the rarer things were taken from museums and places like that"

I nodded and put the box of newspapers back, I pulled down another and found a box of old toys, they were all dirty and scratched, some were missing pieces and others were just strange odds and ends, the box next to it held toys that were in pristine condition, some of them still in their packaging. It was strange looking at the things children used to play with, we didn't have things like those now. I found a sort of female figure in the ruined toys box, I wondered who she belonged to, if it was the last thing that child played with.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now