22~ The Nap

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It took me ten minutes just to track down every piece of rubbish in the living room and kitchen, every time I thought I'd found it all, another beer bottle would roll out from under the sofa. After that I picked up all the shirts and shoved them in the closet just as Eric had told me to, next I got a cloth and started to scrub the stains off of the floor and the sofa, there was a red stain on the bare brick wall opposite the kitchen and I was hoping that it was sauce, however once I got a closer look I saw that it was blood, I suddenly started wondering if I was cleaning a murder scene.

All the while I was cleaning I yawned until my brain hurt, the only thing I wanted to do was lay down and sleep but I still hadn't finished. I wiped down the counters in the small kitchen and the breakfast island, I straightened the stools out, cleaned the glass table, I'd done it all within forty minutes. After I was finished I leant against one of the walls and let myself breathe, admiring my work, the place was spotless and sparkling, though I was certain that I would never clean again.

I looked at the time on the microwave and wondered if Eric's meeting had overrun, ah well, I thought, it would give me a chance to nose around the rest of the apartment. There was a high probability of course that Eric wouldn't want me nosing around, but he had left me there alone, and he had asked me to clean, he never told me not to clean the bedroom. I opened the middle door slowly, as though Eric might have been waiting for me on the other side, there was no one, to my relief.

The bedroom was just as I expected, there was a double bed in the middle with black bedding that had not been made, there was no wardrobe, only an unsteady looking chest of drawers, the top drawer was pulled open and shirts were spilling out of it, they were hanging over the side and laying on the floor, obviously Eric had been looking for something particular and in a rush.

Since I was there anyway I made the bed and then scooped up anything that wasn't folded, I placed them in a pile on one side of the bed and sat on the other, forming a folded pile of shirts at my feet. An alarm clock on the bedside table told me that Eric's meeting had definitely overrun and his four guests were late, I figured I'd probably be gone by the time Eric got back.


There was a quiet bang in the next room, my eyes opened slowly and I quickly remembered where I was, I had fallen asleep against the headboard and must have slid down to lay across the pillows. I had fallen asleep in Eric's bed. In my instructors bed. A great sense of shame rushed over me and I thought about why I had woken up in the first place, Eric must have come back.

I quickly jumped off of the bed and straightened myself out, smoothed out the pillows and the sheet to destroy any evidence that I had fallen asleep. As I was moving to grab the door handle I heard several voices on the other side, Eric had not come back alone. Shit. I couldn't be seen sneaking out of an instructors bedroom, not only that but a leaders bedroom, what was I going to do? I couldn't just sit and wait for them to leave, they could have been there for hours.

The door handle started to move and I jumped backwards as Eric walked in, laughing over something one of the other leaders had said, but his smile quickly disappeared when his eyes fell on me "uh, I'll be back in sec" he called behind his shoulder before he hastily closed the door "what are you still doing here?!" He shouted under his breath.

"I- was folding those shirts" I pointed to the pile on the bed "and I... must have, sort of, fallen asleep" I whispered.

"I didn't ask you to clean the bedroom"

"I know but I was finished in there and- oh never mind it doesn't matter, what are we gonna do?"

Eric pushed passed me and moved towards the pile of shirts, he plucked one from the top and unfolded it "just, stay in here, don't make a sound" I could tell he was mentally kicking himself and I started to do the same as he pulled his jacket off "I could get fired if they think I've been messing around with an initiate"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now