32~The New Plan

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It was near impossible to gauge everyone's thoughts, but you know me, I was gonna try anyway.  Four kept staring at Eric defensively as if Eric was going to dart away and stab Tris at any second. Drake was almost excited and wouldn't stop suggesting dare devil ideas every two seconds. Lee was watching him with both admiration and slight embarrassment. Z was listening carefully and peppered in suggestions here and there. Eli watched Four watching Eric, as though eagerly waiting for the chaos to ensue. Eric was going back and forth with Drake telling him "thats fucking insane" every couple of ideas. And then there was Tris, who was sat quietly in the corner, watching but at the same time lost in thought.

I went to her and crouched at her side "so you couldn't find Uriah?"

"Hm?" I bounced my eyebrows and she shook her head "oh, er- no, we tried to after you went to get Z, but everybody's either partying or training for initiation" she looked down at her hands in her lap, the Tris I had come to know should have been at that table, contributing to the battle plans, I wondered what had been spinning in her mind to make her sit out of something so important. She looked at my face and seemed to read my concern "I'm sorry I know I should be up there but- I just don't know if I can watch all of you risk your lives for something that isn't your problem"

I was slightly offended at the implication "well, we're not Divergent, sure. But, we signed up to be protectors, and whether it's Divergents or a Factionless dispute, that's what we have to be"

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I know. It's fine"

She looked down at her lap again and then up at Four who was still watching Eric like a hawk "I didn't ask for any of this you know, I didn't want to be... different or special or broken or whatever they wanna call me, but now I have to ride into battle when all I ever wanted was to be Dauntless. I think a part of me is just... scared"

"When you're scared but go into battle anyway, that's the most Dauntless thing you could ever do" Tris smiled softly at me, I never expected her to come this far, but I routed for her the whole way, and some part of me felt like a 40 year old mum watching her kid go off to her first day of school.

We stood together and went to the table, the others stopped bickering and looked at us "everything okay?" Drake asked.

"Yeah, so what's the plan?"

"Well first Drake wanted us to take a bazooka and just destroy Erudite altogether" Eric sighed "but then I expressed very calmly that that was the dumbest fucking shit I'd ever heard"

"I was kidding"

"Sure. Then I suggested we needed to do something low-key and tactical, maybe break into Erudite and really delay everything until we have more time to come up with something better"

Drake shook his head and crossed his large arms, I honestly don't know how his shirt managed to stay in one piece with all the flexing he was doing to intimidate Eric "and I explained that I've been doing that for weeks and it doesn't do shit, they have backups-"

"Then we destroy the backups!" Eric shouted as he subtly flexed right back at Drake.

"What about the backups backups you tit!"


"Alright stop. I think I've heard enough" Leanne shouted "you both can stop flexing you look dumb as shit" the two of them shot her a glare but visibly deflated.

I shook my head and turned to Four, I knew he was smart and if he had been quiet the whole time then he had also been listening and thinking "Four, any ideas?"

"This'll be good" Eric muttered.

"Need I remind you who won capture the flag this year" I teased.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now