25~ The Divergent

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A young Dauntless man came running into accommodation just as we were all getting ready for bed, he had a message for me... from a leader. I tried desperately to suppress my smile as he gave me a location. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me, dying to see Eric again. I stopped at the bottom of the staircase which led to Dauntless accommodation, trying to catch my breath, I stayed still for only a minute before I ran up the stairs, skipping a step every time.

By the time I reached the fourth floor I was sure I would pass out, with a smile on my face I made my way to the very last door and put my hand on the handle, the young man said it would be open. With a gentle push I found Eric pacing up and down the length of the living room, until his eyes fell on me and he rushed towards the door. The last bit of energy I had was used when I ran for him, wrapping my arms tight around him as his arms wrapped around me "I had to see you" he said.

I looked into his eyes and reached for his face, pulling him down to me so that I could connect my lips with his "I know" I kissed him again "I know, I needed to see you too" I breathed, pulling him into another kiss.

"It took all of my strength to keep away from you today"

I lifted my hand so that he could see the crescent moons on my palms from where my nails had dug in "and mine"

He sighed at the sight of the small scars and placed a kiss on my palm, I closed my eyes and savoured the feeling. His lips left kisses up my arm and along my shoulder, along my collar bone and up my neck until I couldn't stand it anymore and had to pull his lips back to mine "you've got a problem" I teased as I pulled away "I think I'll be around a whole lot more now"

He pretended to be irked by this and pressed his lips into a line "you are gonna do my head in"

"You" I kissed him "have" and again "no" once more "idea"

A sound escaped him like something close to an animal growling, I laughed as he pulled me into another kiss and backed me up against the door after closing it.

We stood there for forever, only able to separate for air when he went to kiss my neck, his hand had lifted my leg and pressed it against his hip while he ran his hand over the smooth skin, I was so happy that Z had dragged me out for drinks and forced me to wear one of her dresses.

Then, there was a knock at the door and we froze.

I bit my lip and kept incredibly still "they'll leave" he said in a tone barely above a whisper. I smiled as he leant down to kiss me again but whoever was on the other side of the door was being persistent, they knocked twice more until Eric gave up and let my leg go "bedroom" he whispered.

"Why Eric, so soon?"

He shook his head and rolled his eyes before he stepped out from in front of me and let me creep into the bedroom, once I had quietly shut the door I heard him open the one I had been pressed up against just moments before.

"Max" I heard Eric say.

"Eric" I heard Max reply. The front door shut and I was just moving away from the bedroom one before I heard the reason Max had come "what did you observe in the initiates fear landscape this afternoon? Is it what we thought?" I remembered the way Eric had observed Alyssa today, I pressed my ear to the door and listened.

"It's difficult to say" Eric mumbled after a long silence.

"Eric, I trust you, and that means I'd trust you to tell me if you were close to this initiate, and that your judgment is clouded"

For a moment I feared that they were talking about me, but why would they be observing me? "I'm not close with the initiate, nor am I close with any of them" I bit back a laugh, he was a good liar.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now