16~ Thought I Knew You

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"You said she wanted a place to plan and scheme, you said she wanted an army around her, you failed to mention she wanted to brainwash all of Dauntless and use us to murder innocent people!"

"Keep your voice down"

"NO! I WILL NOT KEEP MY FUCKING VOICE DOWN!" I had kept page five and pulled it out of my pocket "she doesn't just want to kill Divergents, she wants to kill Abnegation too!"

"They're traitors"

I stared at him like I didn't know him "what? What the hell are you even talking about?"

Eric folded his arms and for the first time he raised his voice "they're hiding Divergents! Protecting them!"

"Even the children?" I held up the paper to Eric's face, The Plan, the whole fucking plan, right there in black and white, Eric looked away, but I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at it "even the children, Eric?" I was pleading with him, desperate for him to show me some sign that the man I loved had some kind of heart.

"They're all sympathisers" tears stung at my wide eyes, I lifted my arm and smacked him clean around the face.

Whoever was stood in front of me wasn't my Eric, he was a stranger, a stranger I hated with everything I had "who are you?"

"I'm the guy you sleep with, sweetheart. You chose me, you chose all of this"

I shook my head and stepped away "you disgust me"

I started to walk away "no, hey!" but he grabbed my arm the way he had at the bar and yanked me back, forced me to face him and then held my arms tightly to keep me in place "you don't walk away from me!"

"Don't you touch me!" I tried shaking him off but the harder I resisted the tighter his grip on me got.

"This is necessary, if we don't abolish Divergence they'll abolish us, our way of life will be gone! Is that what you want?" He shouted as he shook me "huh? Is it? Fucking answer me!"

"DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF?! This is psychotic! The man I chose wouldn't commit genocide!"

Eric snickered "it's not genocide it's preservation, survival of the fittest, natural selection, call it what you want. Either way no one can stop it. So you'd better get used to the idea before they kill you too" I stared at the once love of my life before screaming and pulling my head back, with a horrendous crack I smacked my head into Eric's and he finally let me go.

I ran for the door even though my head was throbbing, my vision was slightly blurring but I darted for it anyway. I didn't know who I was going to tell, Four seemed like my only ally now, or I could have gone to Abnegation, warned them, or to Candor, pleaded for help. Before I could reach the door handle a pair of large arms wrapped around my waist and threw me down on the floor, I could only focus on my blue hair flying everywhere as I fell, and when I went down I received a blow to the back of my head as I hit the floor.

Eric wasn't an abuser, but this was the way Dauntless couples dealt with their problems, with kicks and punches and sharp objects, Drake had more scars than he did tattoos.

Before I knew it Eric was on top of me, his full weight on my stomach making it hard to breathe, as my vision cleared I could see him pulling his arm back while his large hand balled into a fist, it was almost like I was watching him in slow motion, he meant to kill me, I had seen that look in his eyes when he attacked Thackeray last year.

But he couldn't do it, he hesitated.

"You'd really kill me, Eric?" I chocked out, my head still throbbing at the back and the front, but I could see him clearly, the pain in his eyes was undeniable. I slowly reached for his hands and brought them to my neck "do it. Because I will do everything in my power to stop you" I flattened his hands around my neck and he just stared at them.

His bottom lip started to quiver as he began to softly squeeze, I'd never seen him cry before, in a strange way it was beautiful. The most beautiful he'd ever been.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks and he squeezed a little harder, he was sobbing as I felt the air flow to my lungs being restricted, I kept my hands over his, I was fully prepared to die if he was prepared to kill me.

With a loud sob it was like Eric saw his reflection when he looked into my eyes, his hands released my neck and his head fell onto my shoulder, he cried there for a minute while I gasped for breath before he pushed off of me so that he was sat against the door, his head in his hands.

I just laid there, looking up at his ceiling, unsure of where we went from there, listening to Eric's gentle cries muffled by his hands.

Despite everything I had the urge to comfort him, and I wondered how I could still care for him after everything that just happened, I could still feel where his hands had been around my neck, it felt like I had been burned "I'm sorry" I sat up slowly and looked at him, one hand was covering his mouth, the other arm was resting on his knee by his elbow "I'm sorry"

Before I could say anything he picked himself up off the floor and opened the door, without another word he was gone.

I stared at where he was sat and tears started to flow freely down my face, I cried as I tucked my knees into my chest and rested my forehead on the floor, my hands wrapped around my head and I just cried into the floor, the loudest I've ever cried, I felt like I could hear my heart breaking, it felt like I was dying, I began to wish Eric had done it.

"Oh my g- Prue?" I felt hands on my back and flinched as I sat up, Leanne was there, the kindest she had ever looked "we heard- are you okay? What happened?"

My lips quivered as loud sobs escaped me, Leanne sat in front of me and pulled my head to her shoulder, I buried myself into her jumper and wept for what felt like hours, how had we gotten to this place? I felt, broken.

My lips quivered as loud sobs escaped me, Leanne sat in front of me and pulled my head to her shoulder, I buried myself into her jumper and wept for what felt like hours, how had we gotten to this place? I felt, broken

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Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now