19~ Final Ties

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After speaking with Drake I went to find Four, he was just finishing up with the initiates, I explained that Drake had spoken to me and somehow we ended up with Four inviting me out drinking with his friends. Zeke and Shauna were the most fun out of the group, they were very loud and reminded me of my friends, or at least the way they used to be, I couldn't remember the last time we were all together and laughing.

It felt good to just drink and not have to remember everything that happened with Eric, I could just relax and have a good time. Though I was mostly just listening to their conversations, while watching Four steadily get drunk. It was interesting watching him in that kind of environment, if I were Erudite I would have started taking notes.

I laughed at one of Zeke's jokes as I took another swig of my drink, looking down over the railings of the chasm, we were not in a good place to be drunk. I remembered the last time I got drunk up there, I looked into the splashing waters below, there wasn't a body down there this time "hey, don't think about that now. Okay? Tonight is about having fun"

"Ooh" Shauna cooed "did you guys have a guilty make out session up here or something?"

Four and I pulled sour faces "yeah, no. He's not my type"

"Ah" she said, she understood "he's not quite brutish enough for you? A bit too scrawny?"

"Scrawny?!" Four protested but nobody paid him any attention.

"A bit safe?" Zeke added "not quite vicious enough?" It was strange, my natural instinct was to defend Eric, but that had to be over now, so I said nothing.

"I'm sorry" Four interrupted, this time people were listening "safe and scrawny?"

We all laughed at him, no one had meant to be offensive but his reaction was worth it "so, now we know what's wrong with her, what's wrong with you?" Shauna asked Four, who narrowed his eyebrows "I mean this chick is pretty hot, and she must be pretty bad ass if she was dating Eric" so the news had spread, they all knew my relationship was over "so come on, what's your damage?"

"I don't have 'damage' I just-" his head turned and he saw Tris and her friends approaching, he immediately left us to talk to her "Tris!"

No one else took any notice, they got on with their own conversations, but I observed the way he moved around Tris, his body language, the way the corner of his mouth turned up into a smile and at one point I could swear he winked at her. I was astounded, it sort of made sense that he'd choose her, even if he didn't know he had yet. Tris had turned heads with the things she'd done so far, she'd been brave, she'd been Dauntless. Plus they originated from the same faction, I didn't know if that made them compatible but he seemed to like her.

Tris's friend Al came and stole her away by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder, he meant it in good fun and I remembered when Eric would do that to me. Stop it, I thought. I had to get used to the idea of not having him around anymore.

About half an hour later after Tris had been there the group started heading towards the Pit, but I stayed where I was "we're going for more drinks, coming?" Four asked.

"No, I've got something to do" Four nodded and his friends said goodbye and that it was nice to meet the famous ex-girlfriend of Eric, I smiled awkwardly and made my way up to said ex-boyfriends apartment. There was something I hadn't had the courage to do, but suddenly the alcohol in my body made it seem possible, first I went to my apartment and grabbed the box I had put the clothes Eric left at my place in, though I had kept one shirt, I couldn't bare to part with it. I was still trying to get that unknown stain out.

Once I reached Eric's floor I had butterflies in my stomach, I'd been trying to forget him, but I needed to do this, it was like cutting the ripcord "Prue, uh, what are you doing here?" Eric asked as he opened the door, he looked surprised to see me.

I looked his face over, he hadn't shaved, his eyes had dark circles under them but he was sweaty and slightly breathless, he'd probably just gotten back from the gym, at least he was doing something "I just wanted to give you this" I handed him the box "and to get my stuff"

He gave a slight nod and stepped aside, I pressed my lips into an awkward smile and stepped into the apartment, he hadn't done what I had, he hadn't packed my stuff into a box "you know where it all is" I went to the bedroom as he went to the kitchen "do you want a drink?"

"No, I'm fine. Thanks" I opened the bedroom door and saw the scruffy bed, a hot wave of jealousy ran over me, I wondered if he'd had someone over, I wouldn't have blamed him if he had, but I would also have been shocked that he'd moved on so quickly. Then I remembered seeing blankets on the sofa, he hadn't been sleeping in his bed. I know how he felt, it was hard enough to sleep in mine, knowing what we had done in it.

I went back out and grabbed the box I had given him, I emptied the contents onto the bed and started to fill it with my own stuff, first the things I had left on the bedside table, and then the stuff in the drawers. It was painful, splitting up our lives like this, but it had to be done sooner or later.

When I came out he was sat on the sofa with his back to me, I put the box on the counter and sat on the armchair opposite him "how are you doing?" I asked.

"How are you doing?"

"The same as you I'd imagine" I said as I looked down at my hands, slowly rubbing them together just to focus on anything else "why didn't you throw out all my stuff?" I had expected him to be bitter, to throw my stuff out and burn it all, but he hadn't touched anything, everything was exactly where I'd left it.

He took a deep breath as his eyebrows drew in, his eyes glued to his water in an intense gaze "I guess I was hoping that you'd come back"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, my heart started pounding "I'm sorry"

"Don't be. Don't be sorry" he was blaming himself, that's why he looked rough.

"You've been sleeping out here?" I asked as I looked at the blankets and the one pillow.

He laughed though nothing was funny "I couldn't sleep in there. The damn pillows still smell like you"

I wanted to tell him I was sorry again, I was sorry, because I never realised how much this would affect him. I stood up and cleared my throat, I rummaged in my pocket and pulled out the key he had given me "I think I should probably give this back to you"

Slowly he looked up to see me holding the key out to him, but he pressed his lips together, stood up and walked towards the kitchen "keep it" he said, there was no indignation and I was slightly put off by that, I wanted him to be angry with me, this self pitying trance he was in wasn't who Eric was, he should have been belligerent, he should have been throwing things and tossing me out with my stuff. He should have been laughing mirthlessly and telling me how much he didn't need me anyway.


"I don't mean it like that. I just mean you should keep it just in case you ever need it. You know I'm out most of the time, you might need a place to lay low"

I frowned and put the key down on the counter then took my box "I just want you to know- even though we're not dating anymore, I'm still here if you ever need me, for anything, even if it's just to talk. But, I shouldn't keep the key, we can't move on otherwise"

"Well then" Eric pulled a key out of his pocket and slid it across the counter to me, I held my box as best I could in one hand and slipped the key into my pocket, now neither of us had access to the others apartment.

Our final ties had been severed.

Our final ties had been severed

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