6~ Laces

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When we arrived at the training area it had been empty, as expected. We stretched and then sparred for a while, we talked between punches, gossiping about our fellow initiates and listing other ways Eric could torture us "maybe he'll start making us use each other for targets during knife throwing"

"Well if he does, aim for my shoulder, I like my legs"

Adam looked over my legs and nodded "yes they are very nice" he punched at my shoulder and hit, I rubbed it for a moment before carrying on.

"Why thank you, yours are a bit skinny but they're alright" I went for his stomach, but he blocked me.

"Ouch, Candor" He said as he swung a punch at me, which I very narrowly avoided.

I winced and looked at him apologetically "sorry, I guess I haven't gotten Candor out of my system yet"

"Nah it's fine, I like my skinny sticks" we laughed together and got out of stance, he ruffled his red hair and leant against a wall "I am all worn out, and I bet it's late now, we should probably go to bed"

I still didn't feel tired, sleep seemed to be avoiding me "you go, I'm staying here"

"You sure?"

"Yeah yeah, go, I'll be fine" he reluctantly agreed and then left, perhaps it was good that he was going, if I was going to try and push my body to the limit I wouldn't want him around watching me, it would probably have gotten embarrassing.

I started with some push ups, the floor was cold and most certainly dirty, so I had a reason to push away from it, not much reason to go back down but still. After that I did a jog around the room a few times and then a few times again, then I just decided to do whatever came into my head, whatever I could think of to strengthen my body.

I'd read a lot back in Candor, not much on physical exercise but I got the general idea. Before the war something called Yoga was quite popular, but the poses I had seen looked ridiculous and probably wouldn't help with my training, though I could have been wrong of course. Candor were like Erudite in that we were well read, only Candor don't retain complicated information as well, they mostly focus on law and honesty, they leave remembering scientific equations and long division to Erudite. Honestly though, Candor are just as smart, they just don't brag about it as much.

I was doing squats when I heard a noise behind me, I turned to find Eric leant against a wall watching me, not creepy at all. I almost separated from my skin in shock "shit!" I put my hand over my beating heart as if to calm it, then it occurred to me that I'd just yelled profanity at a leader "I'm sorry, you just- you scared me"

He didn't seem to care that I'd just sworn at him, it seemed to register that I was frightened "what are you doing in here, initiate?"

My first and probably wise thought was not to babble, I'd noticed that Eric seemed to respond to short and straight answers "couldn't sleep. They snore"

"So that means you're allowed to go wandering the compound without supervision?"

Well, I was hardly wandering "well- no, but, I thought if I'm not going to sleep then I might as well do something useful"

"Right. Do you know what time it is?"

"Um" I looked around for a clock, which I knew I wouldn't find, I'd just found Eric's gaze to be intense, he hardly blinked, I was desperate to look anywhere but at him "late?"

"Early. It's four a.m"

How could it have been so early? I wasn't training for that long, was I? "Oh, well, I didn't know that" I knew that Four would be waking us up with his metal cup in just a few hours, I'd be training with less than three hours sleep in me, which actually isn't bad considering it could have been worse.

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