21~ The Maid, The Leader And The Mess

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"There you are! We've been looking everywhere! We were afraid Eric had tossed you over the Chasm or something" Alyssa pulled me into a suffocating hug, huffing out a relieved breath as she pulled away.

I was hardly concentrating on her words, my mind was more focused on whatever had just happened with Eric "hmm? Oh, yeah, no I'm fine, absolutely fine"

She looked at me like I was ill "right..." her arm linked with mine and we started walking towards the simulation room together, I was daydreaming while she was trying to drag an explanation out of me "so? What happened? What did he say?" When I didn't answer she shook my arm a little "hello? Earth to Prudence" the use of my proper title shook me out of my trance for a second, I didn't really like it anymore, I had been unsure about letting it go, but Prue was the new me, Prudence was the old, disappointment.

"Uh, nothing, he didn't say anything, I just explained that Four had gotten the wrong end of the stick"

"And what stick did he have the wrong end of?" I didn't reply again, I was thinking about the way Eric's body had been flush against mine, how he held me tight like he didn't want to lose me "what's going on, Prue? You don't talk to us anymore"

I growled under my breath "what is this? An interrogation?"

"No, I'm just concerned, you're not yourself"

For the first time I realised how oddly I must have been behaving, I cleared my throat and put my giddy thoughts to rest, at least for now "sorry, I just... I don't want to talk about it, not until I know what it is"

Alyssa frowned, she was Candor too and I obviously hadn't managed to convince her "... okay, but just know that I won't stop asking, not until I know everything"

I laughed, she had no idea how accurately she had just described herself "okay, okay, I'll tell you everything once I know myself"

She managed to stay quiet for a moment before she eventually burst "just one question!"

"Ugh, What?"

"Is there something going on between you and Eric?"

From one Candor to another, I answered truthfully "that's what I have to figure out"

Once we arrived at the sim waiting room the others were already there, they rushed to me worriedly and asked pretty much the same questions that Alyssa had, I answered them just I had answered her and almost screamed at them to leave me alone. Four was even more difficult to convince after he called my name, it took several tries until he finally believed that Eric had not hit me, and even still he didn't seem very happy.

Regardless of my personal problems I still had to go through the next fear sim, I'd gone both deaf and blind, I had panicked and wanted to die, I screamed at the top of my lungs but no matter how loud I was I couldn't hear it. My chest had tightened until I couldn't breathe, then I thought of Eric, and all the things we had yet to talk about, I woke up in the sim room and saw Four looking marginally pleased, I had done better that time.

I was still no closer to Alyssa's time, no one was, she had managed to fight her fears in under 5 minutes for every sim, she never went over that time and we couldn't figure out how she went from the bottom of the ranks to the top, she was even better than Z.


The next day I was ambushed by Z in accommodation, it was the only moment we were alone and she would be damned if she didn't take advantage of every second of it. She wanted to know what happened between Eric and I, she wanted to know if we had finally done the deed but I was quick to shoot her down. However, I did admit that Eric and I had a moment, she squealed like a pig and jumped on the spot excitedly, proclaiming that she knew it would happen eventually all along.

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now