24~ Blast From The Past

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Logan swivelled around in his chair, a smug look spread on his face "so, you and Eric, huh? You guys back together? Going on little daredevil adventures? Huh?" I crossed my arms and stared daggers at him while raising one eyebrow "what? I'm just curious"

"Well stop being curious, it's none of your business" I unfolded my arms and sat in the chair next to him.

He moved himself to look at me and for the first time since I'd known him he looked concerned "the first day you came back to work I'd never seen you so... hurt. I've seen you take a hit and get back up, but I didn't think you'd get back up after what happened. I don't know what happened between you two, but it seemed like he hurt you pretty bad"


"Why would you go back to him?"

I stared at him for a moment, I wasn't sure what was going on with him, I'd never seen him like this before "I'm not going back to him, what broke us up- I don't think I could ever forgive him for it. But, we have to get along and-" I sighed and buried my head in my hands "I don't know. I really don't. I shouldn't have gone with him" I looked back up at Logan who was just staring at me.

"I know I'm a dick, but I do care about you. I don't care about Four, that fucker could choke on his cake and I'd probably still laugh. But you and Eric are family... I want what's best for you two"

Something's happened. I thought.

Something must have happened to make him talk like this "Logan, what's wrong? You're actually scaring me right now" I laughed, though this wasn't funny.

Logan frowned and looked down at his hands, whatever had rattled his cage must have shaken him pretty hard "my uh- my mum died"

In that moment my heart dropped into my stomach like a rock, I watched his every movement carefully, remembering my own loss and thinking about all the things I wanted people to tell me "how?"

"She fell ill a few months ago, that's all they told me" I knew Logan's mother, but only by reputation, when Logan defected his parents moved on like he never existed, they threw themselves into their work and closed themselves off. But I had seen his mother once, when she thought no one was looking, she cried like she hadn't been able to since Logan left, like that was the first time she'd found a moment to be alone. I watched her curiously, Candor were too honest not to admit their feelings, but the way she cried told me she'd kept it bottled up until that moment. It was curious because the defection of her child had caused her to become something that wasn't Candor.

"Is that what brought all this on?"

He nodded "losing my old family made me think about my new one, my new sisters and brothers"

I smiled, honoured that Logan considered me as part of his family "it's nice to know you care"

"Yeah, but don't tell anyone, I've got a reputation to uphold" he grinned cheekily and I could see the old Logan slowly creeping back in "anyway, enough of this sad mushy shit. There's a party tomorrow night and you're coming, invite your friends and prepare to get lashed"

"Ah, there's the Logan I know and loathe" we both laughed as we turned to the monitors, with a brother like Logan I thought to myself that I could get by, I could live through this breakup. 



"What?" He turned from the entrance to the control room, which I had just exited.

"Before you start your shift, how are the landscapes going? Is Uriah doing well?"

Four frowned, we both knew that Uriah wasn't the one I really wanted to talk about "he's doing fine, you taught him well"

Seven Sins- Divergent/Eric fanfic Book1-2 (complete)Where stories live. Discover now