Chapter 1

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(A/N: Hii it's Tatiana here call me Tati haha, i'll be writing chapter 1 YAY!! and, Maggie will be writing Chapter 2 then i'll three but like if something happens or chapters behind i'll or Maggie will make it up for you!! Please read and vote lots loves! ENJOYY!)

The name is Tatiana Marie Lund... I go by my own set of rules and if you don't like it then go away! I like to be the bad girl that i'am... and, oh yeah mess with other people's hearts.. I go out almost every night to the club's out here in Chicago. best one? the one that i own? Underground.. is my home. That's what i say.

Yes, i grew up in the mess of gangs and, hearing gun shots in the middle of night well...Hello here you live in the city! And, then my side manster in crimal Maggie... She change over the times..More and, god she's turning into a good girl.. I like the old Maggie to be honest...The Maggie that didn't give a flack what people say about her and, party every night...

But no,no..That change over the times...But, AY! She's still my bestfriend.. My chicka Maggie Nutella Ramos..I SWEAR on her birthcard it says that Maggie NUTELLA Ramos. And, yes she eat's about an jar a day of that cheap nasty stuff. I never like that stuff and, NEVER will.. What's the ponit?! just buy an damn box of choclate then..

"WAKE UP WHOREEE!" I heard Maggie yelling and, banging on my bedroom door. I groan loudly and, put an pillow over my head... God damn it this bitch wants to die tonight! She knows i been out all night again partying... "COME ON I KNOW YOUR AWAKE BY NOWWW!" She said and, started to bang more. I got up and, open the door. "YOUR INSANE YOU KNOW!" I yelled back at her and, hold my head. God here comes the pain....

"Ha Ha! that's what you get for getting high,drinking all night honey boo boo!!" Mag said and, pull me to the bathroom. "Not too fast!" I said back and, walk slowly to clam the pain in my head. "sorryyyyy!" she said loudly and, giggle softly. I gave her the middle finger. t(o.o)t . (Like it?! <-- haha ;)) Maggie gasp. "Noo way! meanie!" She said and, gave me two aspen's. I took them with cold water and, few minutes later my head felted sooo much better.

"Thanks." I said loudly. "YES I CAN YELL NOW!" I yelled back at her and, giggle softly. Maggie attack me with an big hug and, kiss my cheeks. I push her away playfully and, lock her out the bathroom. "AY I WAS GONNA SHOWER!" Maggie said and, pouted. I smirk. "Nope! my turn loser! go to harry." I said back and, turn on the shower.

By the time I got out I heard yelling outside our house, I groan,put on some perfect fit skinny jeans,black tight tank top on with my crop jean jacket on with some vans. I put some make up on. Just enough nothing that make me look like an whore or slu+ like Maggie ;) and, did my hair in loose curls.

I walk to my bedroom window and, open it siting on the edge of it and, seeing of course... the 'Bad Boi' people say. I roll my eyes. Zayn Malik...He acts like he owns the damn block. No babe! i own it,. ME! NOT YOU! He was fighting with Mario.My step brother. It was going to get ugly cause, Zayn and, Mario have their guns out. I grab mine and, point it at them. "AY!" I yelled. They both look up at me.

I smirk. "Look who show's up." I said and, climb out my window. I walk in the middle of them with my gun out still. "Put the guns down NOW!" I yelled and, Mario did but, of course Zayn ddin't/ I glare at him. "NOW!" I yelled back and, he grab me by my wrist tightly. Oh hell now! "I don't take orders frm little bitches like you. got it?!" Zayn said. Mario was going to push Zayn but, I stop him and, got in Zayn's face.

"Me a little bitch??" I ask and, was close to his lips. He smirk and, got closer when he's nose was touching mine. I can feel his warm soft breath. "You are smell like one..." He said back. "OKAY ENOUGH!" I heard Maggie saying and, push Zayn away. I hold my left wrist. It was blue and, purple. I let go of it while it was in pain.

"Leave me and, my block alone! Before i do go by your side and, do something." I said back and, Zayn laugh. "Let's see about that." Then he went off in his car with his friends. Or should i say his gang memebers..

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