Chapter 69

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(Maggie's POV)

I woke up, still laying on the ground.

I checked my phone... Damn! 2:00 p.m i'm glad cops didn't even find me on the ground i would basically be in jail.

It was so sunny outside that it hurts my eyes. I wipe of all the dirt on my body and then tried to figure out where i was.

All i remember was i smoked walked really far away and entered a club.. Now i'm here.

I realized i was about three miles away from home so i stopped by a gas station to eat something.

When i was about to pay my phone started ringing.

I picked it up and took a bite out of my donut "hello?" My mouth was stuffed... So it sounded like i was getting choked haha.

"Oh Harry hi....what's up" I threw half my donut away and started to walk fast.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU MAGGIE YOU'VE BEEN GONE ALL NIGHT!!!" Harry started yelling through the phone and i heard Cara crying in the backround.

"Oh my god! Harry calm down before you give Cara a heart attack... Look i just wanted fresh air from what happened yesterday with Ma.. And so i slept at a hotel don't worry...i'll be back in a few ok?" Harry stopped breathing so loud and stared to calm down.

"Ok babe... Sorry.." Harry sounded so sorry Cara laughed in the backround and i laughed too along with Harry.

God this moment was so cute.

I arrived home and Harry wasn't home he said he was going to go run some errands so I stayed i watching movies with Niall while Cara was sleeping.

"Soo....." Niall paused the movie and i began freaking out..

"What.." I backed away a little.

"Where were you last night?" He leaned in closer and again i backed away.

"What are you doing?" I got up from the couch and crossed my arms.

"Nothing just...." Niall blushed.

"Sorry i over reacted... Um i'll go sleep with cara upstairs" i gave him a blow kiss and walked upstairs awkwardly.


(Harry's POV)

I walked into the restaurant that used to be Ma's but now that died it was Pa who ran the business now.

He was at the counter table and i sat right in front of him.

"Oh.. Hey son. What you up to?" I awkwardly shook myself on the seat and asked him a question that would probably shock him.

"Mr.. I wanted to Ask Maggie's hand for marriage...." He stopped what he was doing and looked at me with a straight face then he smiled at me.

"Of course Harry... You seem like a great guy so why not." He grinned and i shook his hand with excitement.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Don't worry i'll always treat maggie right" I exited the door and punched the air i was so Happy . Now i need to buy the ring.

I walked to the nearest kinda expensive store and walked in to pick one out.

"Hey can i help you out?" A woman in her mid fifty's walked over to me.

"Uh yeah i'm looking for the perfect ring for this girl" i took out a picture of Maggie and gave it to the woman.

"Ahh yes! Come here i have a suitable one for her." She went. To the cabinet and took out a small red box.

"Here you go... I bet she'll like it" she smiled at me and I frowned when i looked at the price.

"This is really expensive..." I half smiled and started returning it back to her.

"You know what... I'll let you keep it.. I can tell from your face you really love her" i smiled so wide my weirdness was showing.

"Thank you sooo much! I owe you one!!"

"Don't mention it hun." She went to attend another customer, and i walked out of the store.

I too a deep breath.

Everything is going so well now i need to create a perfect scene and propose to the most beautiful girl In the world

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