Chapter 48

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(Maggie's POV)

When me and Tati arrived at the hospital with Niall on her i cried i just broke down...

I sat down on the floor and Tati started filling papers up... And i just cried.. After an hour of sitting on the floor Tati went to get me something to eat.... I haven't eaten in 6 hours and that was really bad for me and my baby...

Zayn came bursting through the door and told the girl on the front desk he was with me and she nodded.

He sat down next to me and i burries my head in my hands.

"You ok?" He took my hands away from my face.

"No...." I couldn't even talk i was holding in all the tears.

"I'm sorry Maggie" he looked at me.. But i didn't i stared straight ahead.

I ignored him and asked him an important question..

"He should be in my car, i was going to see if you guys were ok... I calmed him down.... It was hard putting those sleeping pill in his mouth... It won't last long i better go" Zayn got up amd started heading to the door and turned around again.

"Tell Tati i love her by the way" he smirked he obviously didn't care if Niall was hurt or not he was just trying to be a good friend, i nodded but as soon as Zayn opened the door Harry burst in and pushed Zayn away making him fall hard to the ground.

Awe shit.

I got up and backed away.. I kept going back until i hit a corner and i had no where else to go.

Harry got closer and as soon as he reached he pinned me to the wall by my shoulders pressing hard on my stomach making it hurt real bad.

"Stop!!!!your hurting me!!!stop!!" I cried and Harry let go making me fall to the ground... It hurt real stomach hurtt.. My baby...

I was already 7 months pregnant... And i felt like i was about to have it right now.... No only two months.

Harry looked like he commited murder and backed away looking sorry for what he did.

Zayn came running and yelled for help.

"Someone help!! She's about to have fucking birth!!!!" Zayn picked me up and i saw a couple nurses bringing a bed and they put me in it Harry ran away pushing anyone who was is his way i looked at him with hurt in my eyes and he turned around and squeezed his eyes shut.

"You'll be ok Maggie! Just breath" zayn held my hand and i started yelling ....

I saw tatiana coming with coffee in her hands and she dropped them to the floor.

"WHAT HAPPENED!!!??!!" Tati ran by me and zayn explained to her.

"Ok breath maggie, everything is gonna be fine" Tati and Zayn both grabbed my hands and i think i squeezed their hands too hard by the way they took their hands away..

They soon took me to a room and asked Zayn and Tati to leave.... And i was left alone...

The doctor came in and told me it was all fine that i was giving birth a little early .... I never even got to know if it was going to be a girl or boy...

They positioned me and told me to push cause it was time..

I kept on pushing and pushing... And my eyes became blurry and soon all i heard was a baby crying..

I smiled wide but my vision was too blurry i couldn't even see.

"Ok dr. Hills will be taking your baby girl and go take her a small shower in the meantime just rest" he smiled and i put my head back down.

The nurse woke me up after 20 minutes of sleeping to tell me there were two people waiting to see me ..

Tati and Zayn walked into the room.

"Comgratss" tati came in and gave me a hug.

"Where the baby girl" zayn asked looking around the room...

"Nurses are cleaning her up" i giggled and hugged both of them," how's Niall" zayn rolled his eyes and plopped himself down on the comfy chair.

"Same as always, he's ok but still sleeping" Tati informed me." Well we'll leave you to rest.

They left the room and let me sleep.


(Tati's POV)

"Why didn't you tell her Harry went missing?" Zayn hugged Me from the back.

"Are you serious?!?! She just had a baby, niall is pretty bad!!! She don't need more pain" I hugged him back.

"You're right" me and zayn went back to the waiting room and slept for awhile.


(Yuliana's POV)

"Ugh that bitch" I whispered to myself, she'll pay!

I put a black coat on and walked into the room Maggie's baby was...

I looked around for the name maggie and spot on she was sleeping..

I walked over to her and smirked..

"Aw too bad you'll never meet your mom, you bitch" I grabbed Maggie's baby and left the room like nothing happened and walked to my car..

What now bitch!!!!


(maggie's POV)

I was watching t.v for awhile and two nurses walked into the room all worried.

"What happened?!?" I sat up scared.

"Please be calm Ms.Maggie" one nurse took my hand and squeezed it she was shaking.

"Maggie, i'm so sorry, but when we walked into the infants room, your baby.... Was-wasn't there...d-dont worry we called the police they went searching for her.. A-and everythings going to be ok.." The nurse looked like she was going to cry.

"What?!?!?!?!? Nooo!!! How!!!!! Awwe fuckkkk!!!!!" I started yelling so loud ..... And last thing i knew doctor came in and gave me a controling shot.

"No..." My voice started to fade and blacked out.


(Tati's POV)

I woke up by all the screaming , zayn walked to the Nurse to ask what is was, and when i saw his fave i knew it wasn't good


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