Chapter 70

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(A/N: Soooo today me and Maggie went and saw the movie Dark i cant yeah gonna write haha xx -Tati)

Tatiana's POV

I look over at Zayn who was asleep on the bed right next to me reading an book about babies. I smile half way and, kiss his sleeply lips and, took off his glasses and, save his page and put the book on his nightstand.

I cuddle up next to him and, felted him wrap his arms around me more like...he was sooo.....overprotecting me... which he still does. I smile and, made small heart finger traces on his chest...

To be honest... He took it very well then i thought he will.. He was pretty happy and, scared the same time. I wont blame him...i'am too haha. I wonde if our babies are gonna look like him... with that beautiful flawless Malik face...with my blue bright eyes and, light brown hair... but i dye it to a black with some blonde tips... I wanted a change...

"Tati..." I heard Zayn asking half asleep.

"Yes baby,..." I ask and, look up at him. He smiles at me and, move down laying next to me the same height now.. I put my leg over his and, felted his hand on my ass... I giggle softly and, kiss him with love. He kiss me back and, gave me a light kiss on my neck...

"Sooo i learn in my book that later on the pregnancy you'll get horny and, uhmm horny,," Zayn said with an smirk. I shook my head and, blush a bit.. "And ill get hungry too dumby!" I said and, put my hand on his side face rubbing my thumb behind his ear a bit.

He did the same with me and, I smile at him... "Zayn..Jawaad...Malik.." I ask. He lock his beautiful big hazel/brown eyes with my bright blue/gray ones.... "Tatiana Marie Lund...." He ask back.. "Yes beautiful." He said agian and, keep his eye on mine.

"Do you see us beening more than you know..." I ask while looking down... "Wanan be more than just being my girl.. you wanna be my wife?" He ask me and, put his hand on my pretty big size bump/belly. I nod and, put my hand ove rhis.

"Well....of course i do cause, i love you." Zayn said and, got oput an box. I smile wide and, had teary eyes. "What is this?" I ask him and, sat up with him. He turn on the light and, kiss me... "An promise ring and, a necklace.." Zayn said and, put on the ring and, necklaceon me, wipe my tears and, gave me a kiss like never before. I smile between the kisses  and, rub my cold nose on his warm one...

"I will love you for thousand years...." I said to him and, close my eyes.... "Beneath Your Beautiful baby...." He said back and, kiss me one last time before we both knock out....

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