Chapter 67

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(Maggie POV)

It's already 10:00 p'm still hasn't been long since Ma died.

I still haven't cried i'm really upset don't get me wrong i just feel like i should do something i haven't done in a while fucking year cause of Cara.

I put on black leggings and cut off shorts with a baggy shirt . I took my keys and headed out.. It was so dark and everyone was asleep.

When i opened the door someone turned on the lights and i froze.

I turned around and harry was half asleep carrying Cara who was sleeping on his chest.

"Where are you going?" He asked blocking the light from his eyes.

I didn't answer all i had was a straight face on..

"Are you gonna answer me?" He looked a me annoyed.

I still didn't answer and quickly left out the door.

And began walking around.

It was a bit cold but at this point i didn't care.

I took a cigarette out and started smoking playing around with the smoke.. I came across a loud bar so i obviously entered.

And ordered vodka..

I started to cry a bit, but instead i decided to say strong and drank 6 drinks in a row.

I got up and stumbled..

And started to dance while holding a drink in my hand.

It felt like forever..i kept on dancing and dancing ... I started to run out of breath so i decided to go outside.

But as i started to walk i felt the whole world spinning and BOOM!

I fell hard to the ground.

Just blacking out.

In the middle of i don't even know where.

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