(Maggie's POV)
Thats was weird... I knocked on the door again and this time Louis angrily opened it.
"Go away!" I knew he could hurt me so i left. I walked the nearest store to buy some pads for the time of month.... Ya know the usual. As i entered the store I saw a familiar tall guy.. Oh shit..
As soon as i recognized him I turned around but it was too late.
"Maggie?" He ran towards me and i covered my face with my hoodie.
"Maggie c'mon i know it's you" Liam grabbed my hand letting my hoodie fall down.
"Go away.. We have absolutely nothing to talk about.. So Swerve" i know i was giving him attitude, he lied to me and no one Ever lies to me. Yeah we're ok with Zayn now but Liam is just a full time jerk.
"Please Maggie, forgive me! What could've i done at the time, zayn threatened to kill me" i still didn't care .
"What about those other times, where you broke me and Harry apart, you made me crash, and i'm just getting started." There was dead silence between us and i noticed a couple people looking our way. I gave him one last look and walked away,
As soon as i got the Me and Harry's apartment i lay down on the couch and rested my arm which was really hurting
I decided to call Tati,,, all i heard was Tati's voicemail.
What was up with Her.... And louis.
Makes no sense.
At all.
I heard the door unlocking and i had a huge smile on my face.
"Hey babe." Harry took his coat off and gave me a bear hug. I giggled.
"About time you came i was pretty lonely plus my arm hurts alot" Harry pouted.
"Aww babe want me to kiss it better" he smiled and took my injured arm.
Now he had a serious face on.
"Was this from the Hospital...when i..got mad." He looked at my arm carefully and his eyes turned really black with anger.
"No! Maggie who did this to you tell me!!" His chest rose up and down, i admit i was scared ad hell!
"Harry calm down!! It was no one" I looked at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with Harry.
"For Gods sake Maggie don't lie to me! I just want to protect you!! And lately it seems like I can't!!" Hardy calmed down a bit and grabbed my arm again.
"Maggie..." He waited for me to say who did this to me.
"Ok just don't do anything stupid ok?" Harry's eyes blackened again.
"I went to this store and uh found liam i tried to hide away from him but... Uh he squeezed my arm tightly. And i guess he left a bruise" i tired not to make a big deal out of it . I knew it was but Harry can kill .. And i dont want that.
"What's wrong with that fucker!" Harry put his coat back on again and shut the door loudly behind him.
"Harry !!!!! No!!!" I knew what he was going to do and I don't like it..
I panicked .... There was no one whi could help me right now... No one.. Except Zayn... But i can't talk to him now... He'll obviously join in the fight..
I went to bed and all i could do is pray Harry would be ok.
5 hours later...
I heard my phone ringing from downstairs and picked it up..
It was Zayn.
"Maggie, harry got into a fight with liam a couple hours ago and him bad but that worse news are that harry's in jail! Come quick. I can't seem to control him i know you can please!" Zayn ended the call but in the back round i heard someone throwing thing around... Oh god Harry.
I picked up my bag and coat and left. It was already 7:00 p'm when i got there i registered at the front desk and they let me in a locked room with Zayn in the corner calming Harry still...he was in his scary mood.. I backed away slowly.
"Harry stop!! Maggie's here don't scare her like you always do!!" Zayn held him back and Harry pushed him away and walked towards me am hugged me really tight.
I didn't hug back i was to frightened to.
"Harry sit down.. We can all talk about this." Harry didnt say a word but did as Zayn said. I sat next to Zayn feeling more safe around him then wit Harry.
"What happened?how ?why" i shyly asked.
"I don't know !" Harry yelled..i felt like crying right then but kept on being strong.
"Harry!stop! He took liam by force and beat him up badly he's at the hospital now but unconscious, amd next thing you know the cops came in and took him here... Harry you'll get a good lawyer to help you.. I promise you'll get out as soon as possible."Zayn. Patted Harry's shoulder.
I didn't want to here at all.. Harry scared me and didn't feel like talking to him.
My eyed were wide open the whole time. I got up and exited the room.
"Maggie!!! Wait!" I heard Harry yell out once and again i heard glass break to the floor.
I felt tears go down my cheeks amd those tears becAme into non stop sobbing.
These were the moments i needed Tati or Ma ...
(End of chapter.. Z hope ya'll like it haha love you gusy <3<3)