Chapter 8

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(Maggies pov)

I woke up, finding tatiana shaking me awake she was extremly happy to see me i sat up and gave her a huge hug and smiled.

"Oh my godd!!! Tati where the fuck were you i was worried sick" i hugged her again..

"Looong story!"she laughed and so did i, then i turned to the other side lf Tatiana an saw zayn malik a few feet away from us.

"Why is this bitch here" i gave him a dirty look and sensed by the way he clenched his fists that he wanted to start up a fight, i just laighed.

"Dont worry, ok lets go the our room i need to talk to you urgently!!" Tatiana was worrying me now i saw zayn coming with us but Tatiana pushed him away, and he got the hint.

She closed the door.

"What happened?" I sat down on my bed & unwrapped a lollipop.

"Dude! You'll never guess what happened!" Tatiana looked mad "you know how i went missing for over 2 days right?"

"Mhmm" i just stared at her wanting to know what really happened.

"I was at a club like usual and all and i got super super drunk that it went up to a fucking point where i got too drun that i had sex with zayn!" I sat up and looked at her with a surprised face.

"What!!!!you hate him omg how" my mouth was wide open.

"Yeah i was drunk i didnt know, well after that he tied me up to his bed and the only reason i'm here right now is because i told him i'll be his 'girlfriend' and that we'll be that badass couple, but ya know i'll find a way to get rid of him" she laughed a little but i knew she was hiding something else but i didnt bother asking what.

"Well, that's interesting" i gave her a hige smile.

"Eh yea! Anyways enough of my shit, i see the OLD maggie's backk, how did this happen? Where's harry by the way" she seemed pretty excited to see me back, i wont lie i am to.

" umm well harry doesnt live here...anymore" i took a deep breath and i could tell Tatiana knew that there was something going on.

"Ok ! What that whore do now!" She got up with anger filling her in.

"Nothing ok!" I sat up to..

"No maggie i dont have time for this he hurt you, now tell me what that bitch do to you!" She was ready to take her gun out.

"Awe shit Tatiana calm down, i'll tell you the whole story just sit" i sat her down and she obeyed, i sat cross legged on the floor.

"Ok so 2 days ago we were being all shit romantic in the morning then he asked why i was your friend & that you were a bad imfluence on me and i defended you of course and then he blurt out and said he didnt know why he was with me so of course i got pissed all i did was kicked him out of our house and told him he brought that bitch back so now you know why i'm back" i miss harry i do, i especially dont want Tati to hurt him even though he hurt me.

"Aw hell no that bitch is gonna get a piece of the shit i can do" Tatiana opened the door and took out her gun.

I blocked her and looked her i the eye, she obviously knew i didnt want her hurting him.

"I'll deal with this crap ok? You know i can & something else that happened, i met this guy named liam at a club.. & harry seems jelous i was with him yesterday but ya know everythings good now" i smiled and she smiled back.

"I'm glad your back remember Dont ever let anyone change you!! And i know you can protect yourself" tati smiled and we walked out the door, just smiling.. Tati seemed to forget zayn was there and i just gave her a look and she remembered and went back to her bad mood. I went upstairs and let Tatiana and zayn do their business.

I looked at the time.. 11:00 p'm almost time for the club..

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