Chapter 34

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Tatiana's POV

Already 10:02pm it says on the wall clock. I sign knowing they have to leave now. Cause, visiting time is ending... "Excause me but it's time to go and let Ms.Lund rest." my old lady nurse said. She's soo funny and sweet. I sign and nod. "Okay thank you Brianna." I said back and, felted Zayn getting up from the bed. I hold his hand tightly still not wanting to let him leave me. He turn around and, smile. "I'll be back babe i promise tomorrow morning." Zayn said and, gave me a kiss. I kiss him back and, hug Haggie and, then they 3 left me. I sign and, felted little scared. My nurse close my door for me and, i turn off the lights. I have only the TV and, the snow falling down hard outside my window. I put the blanket over me and, smell Zayn. I smile and, giggle softly, holding it close to me until I heard some funny creepy noises...

I swear i hate hositpals.. I sat up and, saw an tall figure shadow. "W-Who's th-" Before i can finish i saw...NO NO IT CANT BE HIM! "LOUIS!" I yelled and, scared now. He smirk and, came by me. "Ssshh babe." He said and, saw next to me. I hold the blankets tightly and, then before I can defriend myself Louis but some wash cloth on my mouth to nose and, i breathe in some strong gas. "You wont remember nothing...only when we first met." Lou said and, next thing I know i knock out.


"I'll get it!!" I yelled in mine and Louis flat and, walk to the front door. I gasp. "Maggie!" I said and, hug her, Maggie smile weakly. "Oh my you are safe!" Maggie said in a whisper. I look at her with an eyebrow up. "Of course i'am i'm with my boyfriend Louis.." I said back and, felted strong arms around my small figure body. "Yeah she's safe with me Maggie." Louis said and, smile wide. I look up at him and, kiss his cheek. "But.." Maggie said and, glare at Louis. "Maggie go back to the cabin i'm fine bye!" I said abck and, close the door.

"Weird?" I said back and, giggle softly. "Yeah...Hey babe i answer the door now okay? just in case some killer comes." Louis said, lift me up by my thighs. I wrap my arms around him and, his arms under my big round tight butt. I nod and, kiss him. "Love you." I said back. Louis smirk and, kiss me back. "But i love you more. And, i wanna show you how much." Louis said and, lay me down on the couch. I smile and, bite my lower lip.

Louis unbuttoning in my pink plaid shirt and, then my black lace bra showing now, I hide my face with my hands and, giggle softly. Louis kiss my neck and, down to my area. Unziping my jeans and, kissing me everywhere. I moan lightly at some spots making Louis smirk. I ran my fingers through his soft beautiful hair and, saw him stripping down into his boxers getting ontop of me. My hands landed safely onto his waist and, tracing the musscles in his back with my left index finger. I moan lightly when i felted Louis sucking hard on my neck and, Then from know what happen :)

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