Maggie's pov
I woke up in the morning and went over to Tatians room.. As always i wanted to jump on her bed and wake her up.. It's just soo fun.
I opened the door silently , looked over to Tati's bed and she wasnt there. Hmm maybe she's at Mario's, but there's something going on i can feel it.
I ran downstairs and i heard someone cooking in the kitchen.. Smelled like eggs yumm. I smiled and jumped on Harry's back and gave him a small kiss on the cheek
"be careful maggie, you almost burned my hand" Harry turned to face me and gave me a long kiss..
"So have you seen Tati... She wasnt in her room today?" I asked Harry. Like he would know..
"Actually no, why do you hang out with her anyways she sets a bad example on you" Oh hell no , harry took it too far..
"harry dont even bring up that topic we've been friends since 3rd grade, and she's not a bad example i was once like her until you came and changed my fucking life" i was really pissed.. I dont let anyone tell me what to do i should know that harry change me he's soppused to love me for who i am..
"I DIDNT CHANGE YOU MAGGIE, YOU DECIDED TOO NOT MEEE, YOU KNOW WHAT!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY I'M with YOU!" HARRY yelled at me so loud our neighbors could've heard. I was surprised by his action.. No guy has ever treated me like that before i ussually win.. This time harry took it too far and he knew it..i stared at him deadly in the eye.. He knew what he did wrong.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE NOW BITCHH GET OUT OF MY LIFE, I STILL HAVE THE OLD MAGGIE IN ME AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE HER AGAIN GET THE FUCK OUT!!" I walked to get his keys , threw them at him and motioned him to get out. A tear started forming in his eye, but i didnt even feel one bit bad...
I went up to him and whispered i his ear "you brought that bitch back " i slammed the door in his face and heard shouting out the door. He deserved it.
I rum upstairs & took off my good girl clothes and put on what i had in the back of my closet, i took out my favorite pair of leather boots, my tight cropped white t-shirt that shows my belly button and cut off denim shorts, i walked up to my mirror and put on some masara & eyeliner
"I missed you maggie" i laughed, grabbed one gun and walked outside..
"Wooooooo!!!" I yelled out to the world. Yeah i kinda miss harry but he took it too fucking far this time.
I went over to ma's and ordered my favortie meal. I couldnt help but smile.