Chapter 15

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Tatiana's POV

I woke up,saw Maggie, now back in my dumby cold hositpal bed...alone.. I knew i was pregnant and, Maggie was right.. I should of took an damn test.. I sniff and, wipe my face from crying and, slowly grab the fruit bowl Maria got me. She brought it for me. I took a bite of my pineapple and, it felted soo good and, tasted good too. I heard an knock and, some one comes in. I look to my left and, saw.. Zayn..

"Hey.." He said standing by the doorway. "Can i come in?" He ask me. I sign and, nod.. He close the door behind him and, sat next to me while pulling the chair next to my bed.. He look like he has been crying. I tear up a bit but, hold the tears back. "You okay?" I ask him, Zayn nod. "I know your lying." I said and, hold him in my arms. He hug me back and, tears fall down. "I'm sorry..." I said and, hide my face in the cock of his neck. He hold me a little tighter... "Don't be babe...we both didnt know." He said back. I look at him and, wipe his tears. "Your still an bad guy to me.." I said and, giggle softly. "Hey Bad boy.." I said. "yes Bad girl." he said back and, wipe my tears. "I-I love y-you." I said back and blush lightly.

He put an hand on my cheek and, i put my small hand over his big warm hand and, smile softly,felted his lips on mine. I smile between the kisses and, felted him smile back. "I'm in love with you, and all your little things." (YES AN LITTLE THINGS MOMENT!<3) Zayn said and, had his forehead against mine.

*Few Weeks Later*

I woke up to the sound of my lovely boyfriend snoring, I smile and, put an hand over his mouth to shut him up.. I couldn't sleep at all cause, of his loud snoring. I felted Zayn waking up and, put my hand down. "Sorry,but you snor too much." I said sweetly and cutely. He smile and, kiss my cheek. "It's okay and, i love you too. " Zayn said back to me and, holds me close to him.

I run my fingers through his hair..."We should dye your blonde tip(s) ummm pink..." I said and, smirk. He had wide eyes and, shook his head. "yesss!!! PLEASSEEEEEE! ILL DO IT THEN YOU CAN DO MINE ANY COLOR!" I said and, got ontop of him only wearing my tank top and, underwear... He sign. I mock him. He move a bit, I move a bit. He rub his facial hair. I rub my chin. He hchuckles a bit. I made my best Zayn chuckle and fail.. "oh baby." He said and, pull me close to him and, gave me a big,warm,sweet,wet kiss. I giggle and, wipe my mouth. "Is that a yes?" I ask. He groan. "Not pink.." He said. I sign and, play with his blonde piece... "Ummmm.... fine a light purple that looks pink.." I say. "Deal." He said back. "What's my color?" I ask and, kiss his jawline.. "You'll see." He said and, got up and, got dress.

I put on some light grey shorts from hollister,tight white tank top that shows my belly button,some cute white/light grey zebra vans on. I put my hair in loose beachy waves with some make up on and, walk out to Zayn,going to the local beauty store here which is Sally's...

We got back to the house seeing Maggie watching tv and, on her laptop. "Heyyyy." I said and, hop on the couch next to her. SHe giggle softly and, kiss my cheek. "Hi babe! hey Zayn." She said back looking at us. "How hot is it?" she ask. "Verryyy! and it's only the start of summer." I said back and, got up. "What you two doing?" She ask. "Gonna do some hair dying." I said back with an wink and, walk to the bedroom. Zayn gonna have Light purple in his hair and, me a very bright blue he said cause, it's his favorite color. This is gonna be funnn (;

(Hope you like it!! ZATIANA is ON!!! lmaoo but, it's 11:20pm here in Chicago and, i'm very tried but follow me on twitter! i'll be on! @iAlwaysBelievex hit me up? yeah okay haha )

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