Arrested pt.2

308 19 6

Kurapika POV

I held Leorio's hands through the cell bars, "So who's telling the truth?"

"Me, I am." He sighed, "You know I wouldn't do that to a woman, if it was a man I probably would. But she's a forty-two year old woman who's son was my patient. I wouldn't."

I put my hand on the side of his face, "I know baby, I'm sorry she dragged you into this."

He shrugged, "I'll be out of here soon, a few hours give or take. They're checking the security cameras of the boy's room."

He sighed, "I'm just afraid that I'll get fired and that I won't be able to adopt Lilly, and I don't want her to go to a random home, she's my daughter." I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"I'm sure none of that will happen, especially since this will be cleared up soon. If you didn't do it there shouldn't be anything on those security cameras that could incriminate you."

He sighed, "I don't think they will but it worries me. Police have always scared me."

"Why is that?" I rubbed his face.

He looked around before leaning in and whispering, "I don't have my green card, I'm not an official American citizen."

I leaned back and let go of him, "Oh. Oh, I didn't know that."

"Yeah...not to mention I'll be in deep shit if they find out I use to be a drug addict too."

I nodded, "Yeah, you definitely would."

I sighed and grabbed his hands again, "I have a question for you."


"How do you know the detective? Chase?"

Leorio blinked, " I don't know how to explain it without it sounding...bad. It isn't bad, well, it is. But, it's my fault-"

"Leorio? What's your fault?" I asked suspiciously.

"Okay. I'm high-school he was one of the detectives working on my case. And in high-school I was still figuring stuff out like my sexuality and stuff-"

I raised an eyebrow, "What are you getting to exactly?"

"In high-school I screwed around and seduced him and we ended up having sex." Leorio spoke quickly then slowly nodded, "Multiple times. And I was the bottom. And I really enjoyed having sex with him."

"Oh." I shook my head, "How old were you?"

"I just turned seventeen. I was probably sixteen when I first started flirting. But it's not his fault, I told him I was eighteen. Doesn't make it right but-"

"Yeah, it doesn't."

"Did he ever find out your actual age?"

"Yes, and once he found out he stopped sleeping with me and everything else that was illegal."

I sighed, "Leorio, why would you sleep with a grown man? How old was he?"

"Ehh...around twenty-three maybe twenty-four. But I promise that I regret it even though I really enjoyed it. I don't think I'll ever bottom again though, not my thing." He cleared his throat, "But that's not the point. The point that I regret it and i haven't thought about sex with him in years, I honestly forgot he existed till I was arrested."

"I sure hope you did."

"Don't worry I'll never cheat on you." He sighed jokingly, "Not even in prison."

I laughed, "Leorio you aren't going to prison."

He smiled, "I know, all jokes Sunshine. Just wondering when I'll get out of here."

"Soon I hope."

"Yeah, soon."

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